
Naji Ali

 Naji el Ali 

Hussein Naji Salim al-Ali, nicknamed conscience of the revolution, was born in the village of the tree in 1936, a village located between Nazareth and Tiberias in the Galilee, northern Palestine.

Driven out of Palestine in 1948, fled with his family with the people of the village to Lebanon (girl Jbeil), one of the poor families working in agriculture and land, resorted to Ein el-Hilweh refugee camp east of Sidon, where housing and family near the orchard Abu Jamil near Gemmayzé "Arabs Ghuwair" area. . the Naji al-Ali's life in the camp is a daily live in humiliation. The most recent that intellectual awakening early has, he knew that he and his people, who were victims of a plot hatched by shabby Britain and France, in alliance and coordination with the World Zionist movement ..
After earning a diploma in mechanics certificate Naji entered the Academy of Arts in Lebanon, then left it where he traveled to Kuwait to work as a painter in the newspaper Vanguard and exit technically, the movement after several newspapers, including Kuwaiti politics, the Lebanese ambassador, Al-Qabas newspaper .... and then Nagy settled in London to continue me with his peaceful struggle, it was the secret of his success in the genuine spontaneity that did not entrust her cynical Arab art.
Naji al-Ali fees participated in dozens of Arab and international exhibitions.
* Published three books in the past (1976, 1983, 1985) included a set of drawings selected.

* It was preparing to issue a fourth book but treacherous bullets prevented this.
* Got its first awards at fairs caricature of Arab Artists been mounted in Damascus in the years 1979 1980 m.
* Member of the General Secretariat of the Union of Palestinian Writers and Journalists.
* Publish a: Impact of 40 thousand panel cartoons throughout his career, except for taboos that are still locked drawers, McCann cause him real tired.
* Newspaper "Asahi" Japanese chosen as one of the top ten cartoonists in the world.
* Married to Mrs. Widad Saleh Nasr from Saffuriyya - Palestine and has four sons:
Khalid, Osama, nights and Judy.
Assassinated in London on 22.07.1987 and died 29.08.1987 m.
Of the wonderful works of art:
Naji al-Ali says:
Cartoonist was born in the age of ten, and will always remain in the tenth, in that age I left home, and when he returns, will be after the cartoonist in the tenth, and then take in old age then known ... do not apply the laws of nature, it is an exception because the home loss exception , .. things will become normal when he returns to the country .. I have drawn Unlike some painters who draw themselves and take the hero in their drawings site ... a child is a symbolic position is not for me ... but only for a collective case of live like me and live like her. .. Provided by readers and cartoonist call it a symbol of the bitterness, initially provided by the Palestinians as a child, but with the evolution of consciousness has become a national horizon and the horizon of a human being.
As for the reason for the management back to readers Those story to tell: in the early stages was drawn by encountering a face-to-face with people, and had a "Kalashnikov" and was also constantly on the move and active and has a real role: discusses in Arabic and English, but more than that it has been playing "Karate". . Zajal sing and shout and authorized and whispered promises revolution.
In some rare cases, and the West Bank during the uprising, it was carrying stones and stoned their enemies, while out of the Palestinian resistance from Beirut he accepts the hand of this battered city, as it was offering her flowers. .
I exhort the people .. spontaneously child who held his hands behind his back, but after the October 1973 war, "Ktefth" early because the region will witness the adaptation and normalize early process before a flight, "Sadat" ... From here the expression of spontaneous to Tktev child is his refusal and unwillingness to participate in the these solutions, has been given an explanation that this child a negative attitude denies him the positive role, but I say that when he made the movements of all the enemies of the nation, and reveals all the conspiracies being hatched against it, shows how much of this child of positive contributions to the position against the conspiracy ... this is positive meaning. ..oradh Fighter, a fighter and a child .. the fact that it is biased for the poor, because I am a class position, so it comes as such a drawing, and drawing important cases and the facts and not drawing presidents and leaders.
The "cartoonist" Watch the era in which the Emmott .. witness life forcibly entered and will never leave .. It witness myth, these are non-personal to die, born to live, and challenged to continue, this creature who invented will not end after me, certainly, and maybe not I am exaggerating if I say that I may continue after my death).
This is the understanding of Naji al-Ali's "cartoonist" and his role in the events through his drawings in "cartoonist", which was launched pregnant "Klashenkova" Then his hands holding his back post in 1973, is the main face of Naji Al-Ali in the political reading of the Arab reality, and monitored for this fact The events include him, and perhaps had the for "cartoonist" two opportunities during which the two were talking daily Arab street and the "Barometer" Arab policy benchtop. The two most obvious step, led by "Anwar Sadat" towards Israel and the Magistrate it in accordance with the Camp David Accords, where taking a "cartoonist" it upon himself to stand against this political Almasser, the second step: is the entry of the Palestinian negotiator Circuit peace with "Israel and undo editing software" ...
At this juncture I feel "cartoonist" and one is able to cope, appeared in paintings Naji Al-Ali warheads multiple for "cartoonist" and appeared in the last drawings of Naji al-Ali prophecy inevitability bullet treacherous signs, he fired "cartoonist" to shout declaring outright that the muffler is approaching his circular. ..
If we reflect well in "cartoonist": This mobile hard in the paintings of Naji al-Ali, this personal expressive in most fees Naji Al-Ali for most positions forestry boldly unrivaled across traffic and screaming sarcasm integrated and comment with painting figures and the nature of the event and Mpharqath, we find that it also means the Arab Child ground and sources of childhood by poverty and deprivation, ignorance and frustration, disease and misery .. The "cartoonist" is the next generation everything Oortnah him from trouble and defeats and failure ... it's the conscience of this nation neighborhood and the sound of childish innocence that does not placate, but given the things their colors true and denominations have no place courtesy - and earlier awareness and understanding - Valowhit white and black Black, tells the customer: you are the customer, and oblique: you awry, and pushy: you pushy, and untapped "broken Elgin": you untapped .. so without warning and without Almighty .. just as express his love and nothing after his death with the national and sincere, honorable gesture or word ...
He is a child resists with Palestinian children with stones, a crossing from Bh to Lebanon and Egypt in many of the paintings, which is sitting safely on the basis of "good man," while the latter charting the plate with a knife that read:
"Hit daggers not rule Rascal true," a galloping eagerly Mada his arms when watching those that leverage the grip of the flag of Palestine make their land to rise Banfoan .. is just as it protester rejects and striker me with that look like the sword "microphones" multiple shapes and sizes, flagrant immortal words, "What was taken by force can only be restored by force. "
It is also in the other plate and in the memory of the Battle of Hattin says: "They killed him" in response to the good man who wished he Salahuddin was alive ..
It already exists in many paintings, including Alstinh stoned with stones, and the campaign "Kalashnikov" and stoned to six-star with stones, and raised the flag of Palestine somewhere Israeli flag .. etc ..
Many pictures, many, showing by far the positive role that the "cartoonist" who was not a coincidence bare feet, patched clothes, go out of his circular a couple of straight filaments resembling radiation emissions .. P "cartoonist" is the son of the people and belongs to layer the downtrodden, the disadvantaged and the oppressed the homeless and the downtrodden, who filled the Arabian our arena that personal belonging of their cases and directed them on the road to salvation .. Valsairat emanating from his head circular Kalahaaa in straight lines but give the impression that "cartoonist" carries the unconscious attitude is blazing the trail for this working-class oppressed and boldness and to identify blatant the torturers, murderers and exploiters (broken Elgin) and the occupiers, and even through his defiance of death in various forms ..
Here is "cartoonist" active and influential and the instigator, "cartoonist" witness and storyteller, "cartoonist" conscience, "cartoonist" son of the masses, who only did his hands with his back to the reader because it does not know that his back is protected from the people who read the daily speech expressed their aspirations and hopes.



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