
Vladimir Putin

 Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is the fourth president of the Russian Federation is one of the most powerful figures in the world.

Vladimirovjic named Putin was born in Leningrad on the seventh of October 1952 and his father participated Spiridonovic Vladimir Putin in the Second World War in defense of Leningrad. Putin graduated from the Faculty of Law - Leningrad University in 1975 and led the military service in the State Security Service, also received a doctorate in the philosophy of the economy, and is fluent in both German and English.
Putin during his career he held a variety of positions to be included in until he became president of the country, and the tasks that filled:

After graduating from the Leningrad University, he was assigned to work in the State Security Committee (k c b) in the former Soviet Union, and in 1984 was sent to the Academy of Red Banner subsidiary (k c b), a school of foreign intelligence services, following the completion of the study in 1985 was assigned to work in the former German Democratic Republic in the period between 1985-1990m and then served as assistant chief of Leningrad University for Foreign Affairs and the beginning of 1990 and became an adviser to the chairman of the Leningrad city Council in June 1991, took over the chairmanship of the Committee on economic relations in the municipality of St. Petersburg, then became the first deputy President of the Government of the city of St. Petersburg in 1994.

In August 1996 he became deputy director of administrative affairs in the Russian presidency, then deputy director of the Office of the Russian President and head of the management of public oversight in the Court since March 1997, and in May 1998 became the first deputy director of the Office of the Russian President, and in June 1998 he served as FSB director Russian Federation, and the post of Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation in March 1999 and in August 1999 he became head of the Government of the Russian Federation, took over the head of Russia's Federal Agency tasks of December 31, 1999, after the resignation of former President Boris Yeltsin.
Was elected president of the Russian Federation in the twenty-sixth of March 2000, and took office on the seventh of May of the same year, and was re-elected president of Russia again on the fourteenth of March 2004, has swept the elections by a majority vote, the General Commander of the Armed Forces, and Chairman of the Council of State .
The latest successes of Putin in the political field, is chairing the list of United Russia party in the parliamentary elections held in December 2007 and which successfully overwhelmingly won, the party won an overwhelming majority of seats in the parliament of 315 seats out of 450 seats of the total number of seats, in exchange for 57 seats of the Russian Communist Party, as well as for each of the liberal Democratic Party, which won 40 seats, and the fair Russia party, which won 38 seats.

During his presidency, Putin worked to strengthen the central authority, and bring about a balance in the relations between the legislative body and law enforcement agencies and maintaining stable economic growth.

As the growth rate in GDP in Russia about 7% per year, in addition to the marked decrease in both inflation and unemployment, rising real incomes of the population by 50%, as the government worked to pay off foreign debt worth $ 50 billion and central bank reserves to No. a record $ 84 billion is evidence of financial recovery that enjoyed by Russia in his reign, the Russian economy has become one of the ten largest economies in the world.

Putin nominated First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, 42-year-old from the United Russia party, Alhakm- Party for the presidency of the republic and his successor, he has been praised by Putin noted for his work with him for a long time in a number of governmental bodies.

Both Medvedev and Putin have graduated from college and university themselves, the Faculty of Law at the University of Leningrad come out in 1990, while Medvedev, Putin graduated in 1975.

Putin expressed his agreement to relinquish the throne of the presidency to assume the presidency of the new Russian government after Medvedev's victory in the presidential election.

Was chosen by the American Time magazine it to be the Person of the Year in 2007, this is prompting a bit of controversy and criticism in the US media, which sees that there are other figures more deserving of it for this title, but depending on what made him head of the magazine, Putin deserves this title given to achieve stability for Russia and return it to her sits on the list of major countries of the world, the magazine added that given this title to Putin does not come from being a good president or not, but in terms of recognition of severe its impact in both Russian and international arenas.

He knew Putin not only ruling political figure for Russia, but also a sports hero has a passion for sports, self-defense, and that had occupied a space of interest during the period of his youth. In 1973 he became a professor in the game Acommbo It is a defense of the Russian martial arts, and then turning them into judo hold that shine where a black belt, also won a number of tournaments Acommbo which was held in St. Petersburg.

Vladimir Putin, Lyudmila Alexandrovna married in 1983, have been met Putin when he was still a student, and Ludmila was operating a flight attendant and living in the city of Leningrad, it has resulted from this marriage two daughters: Maria and Katya.

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