
Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong

Chinese leader Mao Zedong, founder of socialist theory, known as the Chinese "Maoism" and founder of the People's Republic of China.

Mao was born on December 26 of 1893 in the village of Shaoshan in Hunan province for a strict father, a farmer built himself up to become a grain trader.
Mao was a youngster rebel against tradition and strict father, while the will of a farmer wishes to Mao in further education.
Mao left home at age 13 to go to elementary school in a neighboring region, and in 1911 arrived in the provincial capital Changsha to enter high school.
In that period was a kingdom Ching and revolutionary Sun Yat Sen landed in its heyday, and he joined Mao unity of the revolutionary army for a short period (6 months), and then returned to Changsha to decide what will study and swing between law and history and the business to be settled on teaching to graduate from a school teacher in 1918.
He went to Beijing to study at university, and when he did not have enough money affiliate studied and worked at the university library, 6 months, and returned to Nhangha to humiliate teaching.
That year he married Yang Kai-hui's daughter mentor that Aadamha Alcolmnanj in 1930, but since 1928 known as the little girl she is Tsu Chen with whom he had five children, so he divorced her in 1937, then married Chiang Ching-actress, who had a major role in the revolution cultural later.
Between 1920 and 1921, Mao was regulated by students, merchants and workers to oppose Japan's control over German concession in Shandong province, one of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles after World War I, which was considered an insult to the Chinese sovereignty and anti-imperialism was born feelings among Chinese activists.
In 1921, Mao Zedong's Hunan province envoy was to meet with the founding of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai.
In 1923 the Communist International requested "(Comintern)" from the Chinese Communists alliance with the Nationalist Party (Komntanj) led by Sun Yat Sen, who was Aasay to get rid of adult owners of land and unify the country.
In 1924 Mao moved to Shanghai as an administrator for Komntanj, and a year later he returned to Hunan to organize protests by peasants, and then fled to Canton, the leadership of Sun Yat-sen's headquarters, who died suddenly in March 1925 and took over the leadership of Chiang Kai suspect Kuomintang.
The first thing to do to strengthen its position after Chiang was expelled from the Communist leadership and disintegrated alliance between the Nationalists and the Communists in 1927 only to return to the countryside, where the Communists and the broad base of peasants revolting.
From here the ideas of Mao, which is known in the communist literature began later Balmaoah and see that the revolution can not be carried out on the Palace of the working class, but it can be achieved by the peasantry, which in practice.
The seeds of hostility to the nationalists, as well as doubts began on the Soviet Union, which crystallized later heading the Communist different.
In 1927, Mao led a small group of peasants from Hunan province to Jiangxi mountain where the fact that he and other members of the Communist Party government of Soviet-style and they started in the formation of the breed Army province was the Red Army nucleus who defeated nationalists after 22 years and defeated to the island of Taiwan.
With the beginning of the thirties was defeated Kuomintang landowners and Ouhdoa country and switched to eliminate the Communists.
In 1934, Chiang attacked the stronghold of the Communists in Jiangxi so they had to flee to begin with the famous Long March. Over six thousand miles from the retreat from Jiangxi to the town of Yan'an in Shaanxi province, the best of the North, not only ten guerrilla army, which began four-fifth thousand survived.
Over the ten years following the Yan'an was the stronghold of the Communists, and became Mao Zedong's Communist undisputed leader.
In that period March Mao and his comrades in practice what has been PRC based on Kan later, as peasants embraced them after the distribution of land and Mao wrote at the time of Marxism-Leninism adapt to fit the Chinese situation and Kulahin revolution.
In 1937 Japan invaded China and the Nationalists and the Communists renewed their alliance with the encouragement of the Republic forces in the country and the Comintern. In that period, the Red Army troops increased to up to a million and the extension of the control of Mao's Communists to reach about 100 million Chinese.
After one year of the withdrawal of Japan, the Chinese entered into a renewed civil war, settled in 1949, the defeat of the nationalists and Mao Zedong became the head of the Chinese Communist Party and President of the People's Republic of China's nascent and head of the Military Committee, which leads the People's Liberation Army.
Mao and his comrades began in the Chinese Communist Party political bureau of China's effort to re-build through revolutions development plans after the revolutions.
And through the initiatives and steps completed Mao agrarian reform and agricultural cooperatives and extend the umbrella of health and other services.
But the jump forward an initiative in 1958 ,. In order to develop the industry in China in parallel with agriculture to overcome the completion of the West, it has not borne entrusted to have failed in the mid sixties. Then Mao withdrew from executive positions and remained head of the party until his death.
In 1966 it looked like Mao aide to the likes of Liu Shao Key Deng Xiaoping Hdedeth ignore the question of class struggle as they carry out development plans, they released what is known as the Cultural Revolution targeted Maadih and taking advantage of the anger of the sectors of the students named at the time the Red Guards.
But the Cultural Revolution led to unrest forced him to use the army to eliminate it in 1967, and it was his ally, and then the army chief and defense minister Lin Biao, Mao decided which candidate to succeed him in 1969.
But the rise of Hoan Lai agreed with Mao that the distance from the Soviet Union requires an openness to America was not acceptable to the lane. In 1971, Lin Biao was killed in a plane crash on his way to escape after being accused of trying to assassinate Mao.
After Althaagafih revolution appeared to be pragmatists, led by Deng Xiaoping has won the round, but the militants excelled them after the death of Hoan Lay in January 1976.
Behind Mao after his death is Hua Ju Feng. After the death of Mao Hua month the arrest of militants, led by those who knew the four gang: Sean Zhang Qiao and Wang Hong Wen Yao Wenyuan and Chiang Ching (Mao's) wife.

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