
Steven jobs

 Steven jobs

Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Baachtsar is the leading technology company.

Steve Paul Jobs was born in the twenty-fourth of February 1955 as the "Green Bay" in the state of California, USA, the son of adoptive both Paul and Clara Jobs, his parents Alhakiqian are Joanne Simpson and Abdul Fattah Jandali - out of the Syrian-and has a sister named Mona Simpson, a famous novelist met her after so many years because of the adoption by another family, he joined Jobs school was taught in the winter and go to work in the summer vacation, and a passion for electronics from a young age was a fondness for technology and method of working machines, was the first innovations, a high school and was a slice electronic, due to his passion for this area had the opportunity to train in one of the summer holidays company Hewlett-Packard "HP" there Jobs Learn Eng-mail Stephen Wozniak, and the two together will Ahakqa important steps in the world of technology afterwards.
Jobs graduated from his high school and enrolled at the University of Reed in Portland Argun state, but he did not achieve the success of the university Versb in its first year and decided to leave school, and Jobs stand still after he left to study but sought to develop his skills in the field of technology and electronics, introduced a paper of his ideas in the field of electronics for the company " Atari, "the first in the video game industry and was able to get a job as a designer by the games, then let jobs work for a period in which he traveled to India and then he came back again to continue his work as" Atari ".
Returned Jobs once again to meet with Steve Wozniak in 1975, when Jobs - joined the "Homebrew computer" club developers computers personal computers - and that was from among its members and Wozniak, who like his presence and his meeting Bjobz spark for a bilateral letter will be launched in the world of technology.
He and Wozniak had discovered a game in Canned baby food "Cap End Crunch" produces tones used by phone companies in the long-range communications, and with the help of Jobs managed Wozniak from a small tray is used with the phone to defraud the companies and make connections far-reaching, and the work of Jobs to take advantage of making this invention arose to sell a number of school students then stopped for fear of legal prosecution.
The two decided to join together and break into the world of technology he left Wozniak his work as an engineer HP company and joined the Jobs for small head money collection and set up a company interested in personal computer technology, and already succeeded in 1976 by the launch of the company "Apple" or "apple" was Jobs then in twenty-one old was Wozniak, his senior by four years, and managed two of the first model of the personal computer design, and the idea was dominant Jobs is to integrate the keyboard with the computer, and was the first invention to Jobs and Wozniak, carrying the name "Apple 1" and forming a revolution in the field of computers, and we were able to achieve wealth The fruits of a reasonable sale 600 PC. And really is a special man at a global level for the time being.
Zap Jobs and Wozniak were going to develop a new immune After "Apple 1" in an effort to produce another computer is more complicated but is easier to use, has attracted their success eyes of investors. In 1977, the former CEO of the company, "Intel Mike Markkula" decided to invest in the "Apple" and became Head of the departments Council in addition to a number of other investors, came "Apple 2" then to witness a strong start in the field of PC and sweeping the US market is enriched by the advanced technology and high-quality programs, Jobs managed his intelligence from the marketing of the new producer and he sold hundreds of devices.
Wozniak was not able to continue to fulfill his dream where he was subjected to an aircraft accident, came out of him was seriously injured was unable to continue because of his life he decided to devote themselves to social projects and teaching computer in his office in California.
Stepped up "Apple" shares quickly to the summit in 1980 and later asked for its shares in an initial public offering price of $ 22 a share, jumped to become $ 29 and become a valuable "Apple" market is estimated at $ 1.2 billion, and it was Jobs Contributor company's share is estimated at 15% of the stock.
Jobs continued his quest for development and technology innovation, the company has produced "Apple 3", but did not succeed Vtm restore him to the first volume of the market, due to some technical flaws to it.
Since each technology has its competitors Company "IBM" PC production and its product has already become a strong competitor to the company Jobs, who in turn launched a fierce campaign in order to maintain its position in the technology market.
In 1982, Jobs tried to convince John Sculley from the company "Pepsi" to be CEO of "Apple" was put up a new device on the market as "Lisa" In spite of the high-tech for this device, but he suffered from a failure because of the high for its price, after that Jobs was quick to develop a "Lisa" Vtm use the same technology but in a simpler and came in 1984 to witness the launch of the first computer "Macintosh" and who invaded the market strongly and achieved a lot of success.
Jobs decided in 1985 to leave work institution "Apple", which is widely credited with the establishment, and the entire stake by selling, not Jobs stands at this point but sought to create another company he called the "Next Step" has been involved in the financing of these new senior company business and technology such as billionaire Ross Perot and others.
In 1989, Jobs has produced the first computer called "Next," and that despite the technical superiority, but did not succeed commercially due to the high price.
Jobs displays the new factory "turned over" to the successive losses, making him shut in February 1993, and stopped the manufacture of computers, saying only programs
"Apple" has been unable to achieve stability I took to collapse rapidly shrunk its market share dramatically, and move from one director to another until we settled the presidency of the Board of Directors with Gilbert Amelio, which did not find the hoop to survive save the company from collapse only Steve Jobs, who has Amelio calling to join the probe "Apple" have a management consultant in 1995.
This year, Jobs' NeXT "managed to achieve a profit after Torjhaa up and down, and began to cooperate with the poles of technology, Bill Gates - the former head of Maekerosowic- and Steve Jobs to design the" Windows NT "program.
In December 1995 the company "Apple" to buy the company "turned over" to $ 400 million, was Steve Jobs appointed as chief executive temporarily for "Apple" in 1997 a salary of one dollar a year, insert it into the Guinness group of Records as less CEOs Tkadhia salary in the world .
Having launched the Jobs computer "I mac" returned the company "Apple" once again to taking a breather and regain its position in the personal computer market again, and in January 2000 Jobs became chief executive is always to the company, the owner of 30 million shares, of which, has stepped up its profits quickly.
Steve Jobs was married to Lawrence Boyle in March 1991 and has three children from his wife and another daughter, Lisa from the lady to know her before marriage. Jobs suffered health crisis was cured of them was injured cancerous tumor in the liver in 2004, was chosen by Inc magazine Personal decade of 1980 to 1989, and the "Time" magazine chose as the most characters risky to 1982, as "Apple," the company's fastest chosen to enter the Fortune 500 in the United States, also topped the first place on the list of the fifty most innovative global companies in the world three times, and got the global award, "Business Week".
Innovations Jobs
Mentality like Jobs do not stop at a certain point, but always seek to look for new technology, and innovations that thanks them for Jobs is his 2001 is a device "iPod" or portable music device that downloads songs from MP3 type, and achieved this product is a huge spread in all global markets, and thought Jobs catalog featured managed to convince most of the companies Lyrics granting marketing her music rights on the Internet, and to complement the innovations Jobs introduced the program "iTunes", a digital music program sells songs and carried by the "iPod" on the Internet.
When Jobs was asked once about the secret imaginative ideas that enjoyed by Apple he said that "those who work in the company are not only programmers but painters, poets, designers look for the product from different angles to produce in the end, what you see before your eyes."
He died on October 5 for the year 2011 to go around and leaves him the entire edifice in the field of information technologies can ..

Apple products from Apple products: -
Iphone - Ipad_-Ipod- LapMac

The latest production Ipone 6S Last Version

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