
Mohamed Ali Klay

Mohamed Ali Klay

Muhammad Ali is one of the most legends in the world boxing champions, and founded many schools to learn the sport
And Battabr my right model of ethics, integrity and transparency in the play, and won a lot of awards and championships ..

American boxer Muhammad Ali as the (Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.) was born on January 17, 1942 to a Christian family in Louisville, Kentucky, won the world heavyweight three times over the past twenty years he spent on the boxing rings, and in 1999 was crowned Muhammad Ali title " athlete of the century. "
Adanaspor Muhammad Ali boxing in 1960 after he made the United States the gold medal in the Olympic cycle Rome-old and he was 18 years old
 In 1964 the world was shocked when he was able to Muhammad Ali exclusion of boxer Sonny Liston for the throne of boxing old and was only 22 years old at the time, and after his victory surprised the world once again by announcing to join the Nation of Islam and changed his name to a new name, Muhammad Ali just below the last name "Clay "because he was the absolute slavery by name and means mud in English, and was behind that movement American thinker Malcolm X official spokesman for the nation of Islam, which was a close friend and intimate of Muhammad Ali, and in 1975, Mohammed announced his conversion to Islam.

In 1967, at the top of his victories in the boxing world, it was withdrawn the title from him for refusing military service in the United States Army during the Vietnam War protest it would on the war like many at the time.
Muhammad Ali returned to boxing again in 1970 in a match billed as a match century against Fraser did not register as a defeat for either of them in any game before, and was a game of three different games won, Muhammad Ali Batntin them.
In 1974, boxer Muhammad Ali defeated Foreman to regain strong so the throne of boxing in the United States and the entire world.
Muhammad Ali balance 56 victories, including 37 knockouts
Muhammad Ali's disease and Parkinson's disease suffered by the boxing game, but it is still a symbol mathematically loved to now.
It was not faith journey which led Muhammad Ali, months athlete in the world and the greatest boxer in the twentieth century Almighty easy to Islam, but on the contrary, it was a tough trip. This trip was a footsteps wrote it for Amchiha in the driveway of life, in search of spiritual salvation and vented spiritual vacuum and Telmusa real happiness and continuing to safety and deliverance. Muhammad Ali has expressed on more than one occasion that the happiest moments of his life when his conversion to Islam and tasted the sweetness of faith announced
 He was Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) before announcing Islam in the sixties as a candidate acceptable to the egg and committed to their values, it is not by White, but the eggs looked better blacks, where the apartheid and the then prevailing in most of the United States. Clay was a long Usema and young athletes loved. The big ambitions in life. As was the wealth and the world championship in the heavyweight waiting for him. And white Americans consider Clay as a black game Enbdhunha after ending entertainment value. But it's not the case, but has become more complicated. In his first press conference in Miami after beating Sonny Liston, his answer was succinct about the game, but he spoke in detail to talk about the values ​​he believes in the principles that Achttha for himself. Clay's victory was not a surprise to Weston for the new champion Clay, and he defeated Liston because he was the better boxer in that game. Clay began to sound for the first time dims and be nice in a reply to questions from journalists, as it began to tell them about himself and his values, saying: I was born and sole. Not made a mistake in my life and did not enter the prison was the oldest of the court, and did not join extremist groups. Nor loaned white women who are trying to solicitation of any interest. I do not impose myself on people who do not want me. If I went to the house of one of the people I was not hello me feel uncomfortable, and departed. I like white people and I love my people too (ie black people), and I think they can live together without having to harass each other. We can not condemn people because he wants peace, and if it does, then you condemn peace itself. Waldeck exclaims when he sees the light of dawn, now I'm shouting calling for peace
The American journalist Robert Lipsey: I spent most of my career in the sport and in the media work, and that was a press conference held by Clay in 1964 and one of the greatest press conferences have ever seen. And I was impressed by the way they treated Clay with the press since the beginning, as we have all partners in its propaganda in the perceptible
Full of what works and accomplished his task the best of what is
He Added Absta that after the defeat of Liston Clay, what was the press, but the story sequence to finish. It was not easy for the press to ignore an interview with Clay in his press conference after his victory over Liston. The press had no choice in its dealings with Clay, the story in which dieters journalistic excitement that runs behind the journalists. And that most of the pundits, especially veterans of them, they feel satisfaction mob Almmeltvin group on Liston more than Almmeltvin Muslim group on Clay. And some of them went to Weston describes defeat as the worst of what happened in the history of boxing. Star Clay began to climb after that game, but he became a hero to the American youth at the time. The talk before the emergence of Clay in the arenas of boxing that boxing heavyweight champion in the United States is always black and often poor, and thus be the ideal model for religious classes in American society. The boxing is the way that calls for eggs from which blacks to exploit this channel to vent their energy boxing to entertain them. For tournaments, and the glory and fame for themselves.

 The eggs were aiming to blacks exchange for the crime and the trend to the boxing rings to vent their anger and Glhm. At the same time the eggs this way of entertainment and fun for them to consider when Ahahdonhm Itlakmon harshest be what boxing. On the other hand these boxers gets millions of dollars and raise the social status of the purchase of luxury cars and pick up beautiful women, drinking alcohol, and eventually destroy themselves. But suddenly all this has changed when Clay announced in a press conference that I should not be as you want me to be, I am free to be me.

Choose Islam

To Absta holds that Cassius Clay chose to join the organization known as the Nation of Islam and to a man named Mohammed Aliaga. Valyaja Mohammed was born in Georgia in 1898, and his father had called Paul Aliaga. But in 1923 he went to Detroit and settled, and after eight years of stability in Detroit visited dealer from the east named AWD individuals (WDFrad), which is half black and half white, meaning it is a hybrid of a mixed family, black and white, and he was able to be acceptable to blacks in the United States and become their leader. and Farad Alyajja taught Mohammed the principles of the Islamic religion. There are stories and legends are told about the origin of individuals and for his conversion to Islam, and he received his conversion to Islam of a black man in Mecca named Jacob, and we do not need to give details of these myths curiosities. And conclude that Clay began secretly hesitate to Aliaga Mohammed and attend religious lessons in the early sixties
Gold medal, said Muhammad Ali: I heard for the first time Bagliaja Mohammed during athletic competition held in Chicago in 1959. Prior to go to the stadium, I looked at a copy of the newspaper Nation of Islam. But not Aaaraa great interest, since there were so many things going on in my mind. I remembered when I was a young boy named tinted killed IMT Thiel Cspe because he fired toward the hissing white princes. The IMT Thiel in the same Sunni, and despite the fact that the killers were arrested, but nothing happened to them. Things like this going on in my mind all the time. In my personal life there are places I can go to them and there are places I can not pick up the food in them. It has won a gold medal at the Olympic Games, representing the United States of America in these Olympic Games. When she returned to the towns and their grandmother they were still treat me Kamaammelthm blacks. There are restaurants can not offer me their services. And some still call me the boy. In Miami in 1961, I've been practicing in preparation for a boxing match, Faqabelt a follower of Mohammed Aliaga named captain Sam called me to a meeting, and after that my life changed
 As long as the meeting Muhammad Ali Bkaptn Sam is the starting point in changing the course of his life, let's take some light on the biography of Captain Sam, he is Abdul Rahman Sam, and he was known by Bassam Saxon, he says of himself: I was born in Atlanta in 1931, and the first time I heard the teachings Aliaga Muhammad in 1955. there was a brother named James Aliaga sent Mohammed to Atlanta to teach the people of the Islamic religion, it has taught me the principles of Islam. You're an athlete and a man, play sports and attend sporting events. This was the life that I live you at the time. But first I have heard the words of Mohammed Aliaga she realized the truth. And convinced that God sent us Aliaga Mohamed Enclna from loss. After that he traveled from Atlanta to Los Angeles, and my wife got a job teaching in Aliaga with Muhammad in Chicago. So we abode there for three years. In 1961, he told me Aliaga Mohammed, said there are a large number of good people in Chicago, but he wants to help me in another place. And when you're one of those who know his teachings, sent me to Miami. The person responsible for the group in Miami named Ismail Mohammed Sapakhan Aliaga told him to make me his assistant. It was my job to train the group on some of exercise to gain fitness and teach them how to be people who are good to their families and teach them how to live an existence straight. And that when you become a Muslim, you will have taught, I was responsible for helping anyone who wants to be taught at the mosque. And there was a large number regularly attend lessons. In fact, we were in Miami, more than thirty people converted to Islam, but do not attend to the lessons in the mosque, only thirty people, this was in 1961
 He Added Sam: I met Muhammad Ali in what I think in March 1961, when I sold the newspaper Mohammed speaks on the street. I saw me and said hello to me, my brother, and began to speak to me. He told me to follow you Aliaga Muhammad. I told him yes, and added that I do not go to the group's headquarters, but I know Amama talking. He then presented himself to me saying I'm Cassius Clay. And I can become world heavyweight champion soon. I told him that I know you, O man. I met you at the Olympics. Then he asked me he does not want to come to the hotel to see some old books? So I went to his room at the hotel. I found him engaged in the room with another boxer. I found that books are full of articles about himself and took a look at it and found it really good. He was interested in himself as well as his grandmother and interested in Islam, and we talked about both at the same time. And I found him knowledgeable of some of our teachings, even though he has not studied or learned before. I saw it in preparation to receive more of these teachings. And I realized that if I explained to him the truth Vsibaha and become a great, therefore quick to call the next meeting in the mosque
 Part 13 1999/12 K / 22 Lay begins a journey of faith in the presence of a group Elijah Muhammad lessons

World champion in boxing: I liked what I heard about Islam and wanted to learn more

Cassius Clay was on a date with a group Elijah Muhammad Mosque in Miami until he stand closer to the teachings of this religious group. The Clay to meet the group a major turning point in his life, but is considered one of the most important stations his faith journey that led him to Islam, which began to recognize the teachings through his meetings with the group. Clay admits he began to feel a sense of spiritual for the first time in his life, when he entered the mosque in Miami. And he found a man named Brother John preached in the present and a preacher. The first words he heard from him is why Inadonna Balznoj or blacks? The answer to this question, saying: this is how the white man to take us to our identity. If you see a Chinese man coming to you, learn that he is coming from China, and if I saw the Cuban people, learn he was a Cuban. The same applies if you see a Canadian, learn it from Canada. What is the country which is named Zinj? Thus it formed these questions he heard Clay in Miami Mosque psychological jolt and a new awareness and a major shift in the course of his life. Hear the rest of this lesson also continued preaching something of interest, which we'll find out how in the post-formed convictions to join the group, Elijah Muhammad to learn the principles of Islam in them.

Tells Cassius Clay influenced's plan John sermons in Miami Mosque, which went to him by an earlier date with Sam, whom he met in Miami and know him and knew him he was from a group of Elijah Muhammad, and the latter sent him personally from Chicago to Miami in order to help the group to spread its teachings in this city. And Sam was proud of this new task assigned to him and found John Clay, speaking to a group in the mosque for identity issue for black Americans. After John went on in the definition of that comes from China known as the Chinese and comes from Cuba known as the Kobe It comes from Canada is known as a Canadian, John says that he is not condemning us know the names of the Vennady Balznoj or blacks.

Identity and missed Clay said: I said to myself Amama talking this person? I've got my name, but continued to hear his speech full Basghae He explains the question of identity, saying that if someone came named Jang, we know he is a man from China, and if someone came named Goldberg, we know he is a Jew, and if someone came named O'Reilly, we know he is Irish. As well as the Rolling Thunder and Silver Moon Indians. But if someone said, Mr. Jones or Mr. Washington, you do not know where it came from? We are fat by our masters eggs. If Mr. Jones has had fifty slaves, they Negroes Jones, they are all so-called master Jones name, as they called his name. If bought Mister Washington these slaves would become their name Negroes Washington, they all will change their name to his name. Clay said: This was clear to me, and I feel, I can touch what Brother John says. Speaking did not like conversations and sermons church that serves as the teachings received and must be locked up to these teachings are considered valid. And began to say to myself, after an interview with Brother John, echoing my name in the mystery, saying Cassius Marcellus Clay, the name he was a white man in Kinnica he had a great-grandfather was named after my grandfather biggest name, and then became a grandfather for the name, and then my father and now I am. Added Clay: I liked what I heard and wanted to learn more. And began to read the newspaper, Muhammad speaks week. Also it started to hesitate at such meetings and listened to the recorded conversations, including an interview recorded on behalf of the Committee on the white man is the hell of the black man. I respect Martin Luther King and all the civil rights advocates. But I have taken a different route.

Teacher Malcolm X and after Clay enrolled to attend meetings of the group, Elijah Muhammad shortly, gave Clay a mentor, a second man named Jeremyh Shabazz. Shabazz says about himself that he was born in Philadelphia and grew up in the bosom of the church. And first heard of the teachings of Islam from the barber was a prisoner with some Muslims in Virginia, where he learned from some Islamic teachings and began to explain to Shabazz. Shabazz said: I did not heard of Islam before. But I heard about the Muhammadiyah group, but the way they told me that her brother barber, although it was strange for me, I felt it was the truth. By the end of 1961 it has become a landmark in the Nation of Islam in the cities of the southern United States, a US cities of Georgia and South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida. Became of these areas fall under my responsibility, which to me by the leaders Elijah Muhammad circle. I also had to call a central palace in Atlanta. And he began walking around in a circular ring of the city to another. Added Shabazz: I was not there at the mosque Msisie while Cassius Clay introduced for the first time. Here it is clear to us clearly unlike what is offered in the movies and in some books, that Malcolm X was not the first mentor. And that the first person who knew Clay teachings of Elijah Muhammad group was the group responsible in Miami at the time, Ismail Spakhan. The response of Clay did what he learned well. In the end, Shabazz was invited to Mqabba Clay in Atlanta. Shabazz and he went there to meet him a week after that contact, where he met with him and told him Clay that he loves what he heard about the teachings of Elijah Muhammad, and he had not heard of anything like him before. He was something new and strange thing, but it is the truth. Clay Shabazz said at the meeting that he is thinking seriously about becoming a Muslim

Between hate and respect and said Shabazz: After we heard the desire of Clay in that he is seriously considering becoming a Muslim we started talking to him constantly, and encourage him to come to our meetings and he responded to it. He did not attend all the meetings, but attending one meeting a week. We teachings differ from the teachings of the Marne to Otrkinj. We are dealing with the reality of the situation as it is and not the way he wants each and every one be. And we started to teach him about God and the teachings of Islam. Added Shabazz: Cassius we began to know and did not have any problem with our teachings that the white man's evil, enslaved and enslaved our ancestors Fmalh hell. Clay began asking during a lesson about the fate of white children, where he asked: What will happen to the kids? Is the child who was born a white demon like the white man? He began his things to answer his questions, where I told him that if Assad does not have begotten Andjabh only a lion, it can not be of a lioness (lioness) to give birth to a lamb. This was in 1961, where more injustices and absent justice. And you can read a newspaper every day then you will find white policemen beating the skulls of blacks and call them dogs to ravage their flesh. And that the thing that has affected a lot on Cassius is when we explained to him that the person who does that of another human being, it is also believed that man. Nor can such people can claim that they are people of God, and at the same time to insult others as whites do blacks in America. Clay was then a young man, but he was sane, and he was able to recognize and believe in the teachings that we teach people the truth. The problem faced in worship, as he found it difficult initially to give up going to church, because he grew up in her lap. It found that it poses a problem, but soon we helped him to overcome this problem. And we began to deepen the injustices suffered by them blacks in the United States and sow hatred of the eggs as the darkness of the tyrants and the Titans. Cassius and watched how the white man treats blacks treated so bad, and so he found in the teachings of truth. Cassius also get rid of the biggest knot was in control of black Americans in the fifties and sixties, a fear. He was not afraid of being killed by white shot or hanged, but not a great respect for the power of the white man from the President downwards. Cassius began asking how can face the white man's power? And how you can be defeated this guy? And we began to respond by these questions that the White man can not be defeated nor false warnings of violence, but the power of God. And we began to read his verses from the Koran it shows that although the followers of God at times they lack the logic and physical force is supposed to be defeated before their enemies, but God changes the course of the battle Vihakqon victory thanks God, but Hezbollah are the victors. Such chatter is that strengthened his faith in God made him become a Muslim and a believer in Allah's victory. This was the message that it is keen Elijah Muhammad in his call for blacks to embrace Islam. Because Islam is their strength can be conquered by the physical strength of the eggs. It was black as a result of brain washing practiced their eggs do not believe that there is greater than the power of white power, even the teachings of Elijah Muhammad and began to call them to Islam displace them this mist and make them believers that the power of God over the white power. Thus them to Islam to challenge the power of the white man and the disarmament of the hearts of fear and replace it with the fear of God. They believe that if God saved him and their faith in him will not abandon them and make them victorious over their enemies .. and that God will be with them, so they turned to see troops of Islam and individual. Part 14 23/12/1999

Clay after a series of meetings and lessons joining the Nation of Islam secretly

Cassius: I did not want people to know I joined a group of Elijah Muhammad for fear of losing a world champion in boxing

Cassius Clay thought before joining the Nation of Islam that no one enters the Nation of Islam in vain and Hua, so not rush to announce joining this group, but it camouflages all show interest in studying the principles of this community and its teachings, even up to totally convinced himself that he Anne late to join them. That was Clay continues to attend meetings of the group, Elijah Muhammad in Mississippi for a period of time, listening to Khtabaiha and systematic in her classes before an organizational commitment to the group, all in preparation for him to learn the principles of Islam and its teachings to allow him to convert to Islam doctrine and faith, since Islam for him in initially it was a religion of freedom and peace. Having tasted the sweetness of faith and pronounce Shahaadatayn received the teachings of Islam in worship and transactions, pleaded debt includes all aspects of life
 The teachings of Elijah Muhammad focused on the Almighty Allah defends Sinzarethm blacks and the whites, as the oppressed, and the eggs are unjust and will teach those who wronged any return overturn: Vkhma deepened these teachings in the black spirit salvation anticipated and not to despair of tomorrow. And that if they turned to God, believers and the message of Islam, he would not abandon them, but they will find when they need him. It is here Clay rushed to learn the principles and teachings of this study and think about the meaning During his faith journey that led him to embrace Islam.

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