
Henry Ford

 Henry Ford

Henry Ford was born in 1863 and died in 1947.
Foundation Ford Motor Company, an innovative automobile assembly line for the production of cars quantity, the production car within the reach of everyone, he paid to have high salaries for workers, which led to the emergence of the middle class in America, has done the car Model T (Model T), has created a conveyor speeds, invented the eight-cylinder engine with a V-8, making the car a wide popularity led to the spread locally and globally. Work through his vision of making the car and the way the benefit of the common man rather than as a means for the welfare of the rich man.
Henry Ford was born on July 30 1863 and American Wayne County, Michigan, the son of an immigrant family from Ireland. He left school at age fifteen to work in his father's farm, not liking to work in agriculture, go to Detroit to work and training workshop Mikhanykh, and to increase his income he was working in his spare hours in the repair of clocks and alarm clocks.
    Henry Ford Greenfield returned to the town after his father gave him forty hectares (10 acres) to start his own farm, and did not like working in agriculture and went most of the time trying to build a vehicle operated by steam, and agricultural vehicles.
    With no desire to stay at the farm he returned to the Edison Lighting Co. and promoted from trainee engineer to the company. During his tenure, Henry Ford, he read an article in a magazine about the world of science Nicklaus German engineer Otto who built the internal combustion engine. During that period, Henry Ford spent his spare time trying to build a car traveling with fuel. It was the first car finished assembled in the year 1896. That was powered car number 2 cylinder four-stroke and mounted on bicycle wheels and named after Cuadrysekl quadricycle, and the car was Nqlten Omametin did not shift their background or brake. Henry Ford sold his car and use it in the financing of his work in the automotive field.
 Henry Ford worked in Edison Lighting Company for eight years and then retire and work full-time for the manufacture of cars. Chief Engineer and became a partner in the Detroit Motor Company, which has produced few cars. And he founded the Ford Motor Company and the work of the Henry Ford as an engineer, retired after not working out a deal with the owners of the banks in 1902 and the company has become what is known as the Cadillac Motor Company.
    After Maholten unsuccessful to work carmaker, Ford Motor Company was founded in 1903 and Henry Ford vice president and chief engineer. And have that company collects a few cars, where a group of two to three workers to work on every car manufactured parts of the company or are required from companies Okhry.qam car built Model A. Model A (1903), and during the following years he built race cars that record by record numbers, and led some of them in the race car.
    Was the first production car Model T Model T on October 1, 1908. By the year 1918 has become half the number of cars in America Model T. Distinguish the Model T that the steering wheel is on the right, which took the suit and other companies later and to this day.

    To cover the need for more Model T Henry Ford worked on assembling the production accuracy, standardization, parts that can be replaced, workers' section. In 1913 enter the production line (assembly) mobile, in which the workers remain in place to add a piece or part of each car as it passed in front of them on the line. And Amdmjmuah machining workers required by the conduct, timing very carefully calculated to enable the assembly line of business seamlessly. So he divided the assembly line to 84 separate step, and train workers to do a single operation. The study of time and motion to estimate the appropriate time and the number of workers required to complete the work.
The use of the moving assembly line, then a huge revolution in the auto industry which reduced the time of the car assembly and therefore to reduce their price, making it affordable for a lot and worked to increase its popularity.
    Henry Ford says that the idea of ​​the assembly line dangerous to him while he was on a visit to one of the custom slaughter and preparation of meat places in Chicago. It was the sacrifices attached in Trulli loft and moving to stand in front of a group of employees, where that group specific process to carve out a specific part of the carcass, and then move the carcass the next set that only deduct another specific part, and so on until finally at the end of the line ends skeleton of a sacrifice. The idea crystallized when Henry Ford that he could assemble the car reverse way. Begins at the beginning of the line skeleton of the car (Chassis), then each group of workers to install specific parts when the car stopped in front of them line (equipped machining required and trained in that specific process), so you end up a car assembled at the end of the line, the fastest and most accurate way!
    The first production Model T car, built in Detroit on October 1, 1908, have been sold at the time for $ 950, which is the price dropped to $ 280 as a result of production and management style. During the 19-year-old it was sold 15 million Model T car in America, Canada, in addition to the million and a quarter of a million in England, the most produced model will continue for a long period of time after the Beatles for Volkswagen. During the period from 1908 to 1927 it made minor amendments to the Model T design. By 1918 he became the half of America Model T cars

     Was more influential than Henry Ford, inventor Thomas Edison, after the success of the Model T, Ford asked Edison to develop storage battery electric power drive is working, and the project is supported by $ 1.5 million. But with all great inventions made by Edison, we can not achieve this requirement.

    Strengths Ford is not being an inventor, but in the manufacturing procedures devised. Instead of the workers in one place collect the car, the work that the group of workers added parts on the car as it passed through the production line. In 1914, the first conveyor belt can become a self-directed car every 93 minutes instead of 728 minutes in the usual way. In the same year Ford workers in the automotive field by giving wage for a worker startled him as a fee of $ 5 dollars for a day full of work. Where the wage of workers in the field of cars to $ 2.34 in the estimated nine-hour working day. Ford does not have to double pay but reduced hours of work time to become the daily working time of eight hours. Thus, he is able to make on three shifts instead of two.

    Henry Ford faced many obstacles in his company's management in its insistence on the expansion of the plant and reduce the price of the car, resulting in the company's shareholders Mnmkadth in that regard. Not expansion is just what he was working his Ford, but is self-sufficiency for the manufacture of car parts. For the manufacture of car parts has led to the need to acquire iron and means such as ships and railway factories and parts of the engine, chassis and interior parts of the car and tire manufacturing transfer of mines. During 1920, Ford became the company that owns rubber plantations in Brazil, fleets of ships, railways, coal mines, thousands of acres of forest trees. Iron ore mines.

    During the two decades of the car it became available to most people, and became a farmer is isolated owners, disappeared the horse off the road very quickly, which led to dispense with the cultivation of nutrients for the horse (hay) and transplant rather than other crops, leading to a revolution in the field of agriculture, and began to spread cities in remote areas which led to a revolution in the field of construction, age, and constructed roads and bridges to link the country together, which led to a revolution in the field of telecommunications.

    During 1925, Henry Ford was producing 10,000 cars every 24 hours. But in 1926, as a result of the insistence of Ford not to produce a new model and continue to produce Model T only, Ford sales began to lose part of the market for General Motors where he became the Model T of the older models, and not daring to develop the Model T in line with Mahdthat market; and his insistence not to make new adjustments on the car; such as traditional speed gearbox transport (rather than transfer Khas its movement), hydraulic brakes (rather than mechanical), Engines 6.8-cylinder (instead of 4-cylinder for the Model T), and the color of the car as all Model T cars produced was black in color. With the insistence of Henry Ford not to develop or add or modify the Model T has a gathering of automotive companies work company named General Motors Company produces several models in different colors suit the diversity of tastes and choice for people that attracts the purchasing power of the Ford Motor Company.

Then Henry Ford the opinion of those around, and Ford closed businesses for five months, after the submission of the car Henry Ford Model A. (1927) Model A engine as well as the 8-cylinder-shaped V. succeeded model of AT modest success when honorable markets. Were it not for the Second World War and transform the company for the production of bi-plane 24 pocket and the car was to drive 8-cylinder (v-8 Engine) factory in the year of 1932 is the latest inventions of Henry Ford.

Henry Ford worked on that runs his own way under the control of the special, he went in disputes with the company's shares to holders of its desire to expand the work of the company, using the company's profits in achieving this, as well as reducing the price of the car to become accessible to everyone. And also entered into a dispute with the trade union even have full control of the company's management, which led to clashes between factory workers and private security.

After strikes Auto Workers in Detroit in 1928, Henry Ford instructed his aides to search for more people immune to organize the union. Faqamt Ford Motor Company to bring about 2,000 Yemeni workers to work in the Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, on the outskirts of Detroit.

    Henry Ford died in the spring of 1947 and had 83 years of age, leaving behind a fortune estimated at about 500 to 700 million dollars, the company special cars, and a car within the reach of everyone, and the legend of immortal.

* Henry Ford's work in the area of ​​peace and work to stop the First World War in 1915, but on the production company for Military Production in both wars.
* Provide for elections to the Shura Council in the U.S. Senate in 1918 and did not succeed narrowly.
* No smoking in the institutions, saying smoking is harmful to health.
* Built the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit at a cost of $ 7 million.
* Became a magazine publisher Dearborn Aandbndnt The Dearborn Independent
* Henry Ford was known for his dislike and hostility to Jews, and included his article the magazine face view of that.
* He built schools in different areas to provide a learning experience using a single classroom technology, modern teaching technology, and education through participation.
* January 13, 1942, Henry Ford obtained a patent for the manufacture of plastic car body weighing less than 30% of car metal.
* He and his family took part in the work of Ford Museum in Michigan Jrainfelad Village in the work of the Ford Foundation to contribute in their own research, education and development grants.
From the words of Henry: -

"Most people are wasting a great time and high energy in the rotation about the problems rather than trying to solve them. Problems are a challenge to your abilities, the problem remains a problem until it is resolved, the solution is the prize for the person who contributed to the solution. Instead of avoiding problems, we must face and we welcome them and through the right to think we make it back, we benefit and gain. "

He died in 1974.

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