
William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

Writer and novelist, playwright William Shakespeare is one of the fundamental pillars in the world stage.

Born poet and playwright William Shakespeare in England, in 1564 and his father was a successful trader has received a good education in the local school, where he learned Latin and Greek, and Shakespeare got a great deal of historical information, whether at school or at home. In 1582 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, one of the girls .. Stratford.
 The couple has three children, a daughter they termed Susanna, and twins are Hanat and Judith.
In 1588 he moved to London and connecting the theater of his life there. In 1589 he took out the first of his plays are either drama or comedy of errors the first part of the play Henry VI. And it characterized the writings of Shakespeare that she addresses the popular taste of his time, a taste that was aired historical tragedies, including violence and bloody scenes. As he loves comic scenes with a character that was short plays interspersed tragic to mitigate their impact, as well as poetic abundant in portraying historical and emotional attitudes timeless even made it a global fine art of English theater. Among the most important of his writings, which turned into plays and films in most countries of the world, "The Merchant of Venice and Macbeth and Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet."
 As Shakespeare has been translated into most of the world's languages.
He died in 1616 in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England, United Kingdom.

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