
Tim Berners-Lee

 Tim Berners-Lee

Tim is considered the inventor of the World Wide Web WWW and Class of 2004 personal era in Britain.

Born in 1955, the British capital, London
Educated at Oxford University's famous university in Britain in 1973 and began receiving education during catch him red-handed in the penetration process was carried out by the university devices forbidding the use of devices university
Then in 1980, he worked in the Swiss CERN labs as a consultant for the programs and in 1984 received a fellowship from the labs
But in 1989 he sprayed his project, which includes the Internet surfer first and a browser
But in 1991 he put symbol WWW also created the first site on the Web, a site for the CERN laboratories
In 1994, Berners-he founded the Federation of Internet companies and announced the specifications and standards to deal with the World Wide Web
The inventor of online wins Millennium Technology
Berners-Lee receives a million euros thanks to the invention of the Internet, which has made the world more like a small village.
Announced in Helsinki for Tim Berners-Lee wins the inventor of the World Wide Web Award first millennium of technology provided by the Finnish Technology Award Foundation in Helsinki.

And I saw Hall (Debola) conference near Helsinki University of Technology announced Berners-Lee won the prize, worth one million euros ceremony.

According to the merits of the choice of the inventor of the international network he invented contributed to connecting people across the world of computers to become a small village where the information circulating freely and the speed of which has contributed to the improvement of people's lives directly, one of the conditions for granting the award.

The head of the selection committee Pekka Taryana in remarks to reporters that "the international information network contributed to the humans get important information to their lives and to build new and innovative types of social relations and uphold democracy, transparency and the payment of the international economy values."

Berners-Lee and the invention of the special systems to deal with the internet, such as provider and ID sites and transport system as well as texts written language of Web pages as he was due to Berners credited with the invention of the browser, which made the yard of the international network for the exchange of information across languages joint everyone knows.

And works Berners now a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, USA. In the last year, received a knighthood from the Queen of England due to its unique in the field of information technology.

The award of the Millennium Technology is the first and largest of its kind and offers as the recipient of 78 inventors from 22 countries and included areas where inventors raced both health and communications and information, energy and environment as well as new materials and processing methods developed for these materials.

Berners-held and hand over the award ceremony million euros in the Hall (Finlandia) in the heart of Helsinki on June 15 in a ceremony included an conference entitled (Future Society - Future Technology).
The Finnish Technology Award Foundation is an independent organization founded in 2002 and funded by a number of Finnish companies operating in the IT organization and awarded grand prize amounting to one million euros once every two years and this is the first time that the Foundation awarded her prize 

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