
Joseph Stalin

 Joseph Stalin

Stalin is the Secretary General of the Communist Party of the Union Alsoqata in 1922-1953, head of government and commander in chief of the army for a year
1941-1953m, the Soviet Union, a totalitarian rule, making it a major global state, then led him to victory in
World War II, it was in the era of Kruchow many campaigns revealed the nakedness of his rule, and led to the smashing statues
And his idols in the country.

Born (DEC 181878-5 March 1953), in the Russian city of Gori, and was superior in education he joined his school in Gori
Then to the Orthodox and to communism, which later became a leader.
In October Stalin fled to Batumi and got a job in an oil refinery owned by a rich family. In 1902, a fire broke out in the refinery, and because of Stalin's contribution to the fire suppression refinery director decided rewarded but Stalin refused and asked him to raise workers' wages instead, but the manager refused response systems Stalin series of strikes, which in turn led to arrests and clashes with police in the streets, and in the April 18, 1902, the authorities finally arrested by Stalin's secret and was tried and acquitted of the most prominent Stalin's riots because of lack of evidence, but remained in custody for investigation into its activities in Tbilisi.

Far beyond Stalin then he returned and joined the Bolshevik, prepared and met Lenin, founder of communism and the leader of the Bolshevik war, was one of the most prominent leaders
Bolshevism, issued several positions and was believed to be the second man after Lenin.

In 1922, Stalin assumed the post of party secretary and devitalized after Vladimir Lenin in January 1924, the government consisted of a trio: Stalin and Kamenev and Zinoviev. In the period of the tripartite government, renounce Stalin's idea of ​​a global communist revolution in favor of the Socialist local, which contradicted the principles of the deed "Trotsky" pro-global communism. Stalin overcome the bilateral Kamenev and Zinoviev power with the help of the right of the party embodied in Bokharn and Rykov, where they succeeded in expelling Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev from the Central Committee in 1927 and then of the Communist Party.

He was always struggle with Trotsky because he believes the latter was constantly revolution, led to the execution of the conflict and cleanse the party of everyone
A supporter of Trotsky's ideas and theories.
Stalin's relationship with religion deterministic relationship he does not believe religion in his time has been burning all the churches, mosques and all the monks in every church.
Stalin was one of the first mentors in the Spanish Civil War and made numerous leftist alliances in order to eliminate Nazis.
In World War II it was defeated Hitler encroachment by the Soviet Union under the leadership of Stalin and Stalin signed a son in the war and was captivated lieutenant
When contacted by German troops to make a deal to bring his son against the general said, "(all Red Army soldiers are my children will not be replaced by the Marshall Lieutenant)" and rejected his son was executed.
In March 1953, during a dinner attended by the Minister of Interior of the Soviet Lavrentiy Beria and "Khrushchev" and others, the case of Stalin's health deteriorated and he died four days later. It should be noted that the political memoirs of "cocktails" which was published in 1993 says that the minister "Perea" boasted for "cocktails" that he deliberately poisoned Stalin's order to kill him. Official sources have reported that his death was the result of a stroke.

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