
Mohmed Ibn Abd Allah

 Mohmed Ibn Abd Allah

Mohammed bin Abdullah al-Sadiq Secretary seal of the prophets and messengers, sent right to mercy to the worlds.
God sent all the prophets and messengers to the call to worship God alone, and get people out of the darkness into the light Voolhm Noah and the last of Muhammad, peace be upon him he says: (We have sent a messenger to every nation to worship God and shun Juggernaut) Bee / 36.
The last of the prophets and messengers is Muhammad, peace be upon him there is no Prophet after him says: (Muhammad is not the father of one of the men, but the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets) parties / 40.
It was all a prophet sent to his own people and God sent His Messenger Muhammad peace be upon him, to all the people
God has revealed to His Prophet Qur'an guides its people and drive them out of the darkness into the light by permission of their Lord
Prophet Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Abdul was born Muttalib al-Hashimi al-Qurashi, Makkah in the elephant which his companions came to destroy the Kaaba Vopadhm God and died father is in his mother's womb and what Ould Mohamed breastfed Fads and then visited his maternal uncles in the city with his mother safe girl gave On the way back to Mecca died Balaboa his mother at the age of six years and guaranteed by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib died and Omar eight years and guaranteed by his uncle Abu Talib sponsored and honor him and defend him more than forty years and died Abu Talib did not believe in the religion of Mohammed, fearing that paid in Quraish to leave the religion of his fathers.
Muhammad was a youngster herding sheep for the people of Mecca and then traveled to the Levant trade to Khadija girl Khuwaylid and win trade and impressed Khadija His creation and sincerity and honesty married her at the age of twenty-five years old and forty years and did not marry until she died.
God has sprouted Muhammad, peace be upon him plant Well and literature so well disciplined and raised him and taught him so that his people were better ethics, ethics, and the greatest of chivalry Ousahm dream recently and believe them and keep them until he called his people Secretariat General.
Then she loved him washroom was empty Hira days and nights to worship the Lord calls and detest idols, wines and vices did not pay attention to in his life.
When he was Muhammad, peace be upon him thirty-five years old Qureshi participated in building the Kaaba when swept away by flash floods when he fought in the Black Stone put Gmoh thing called the gown he put the stone, and then ordered the chiefs to take Botrafh Verwaoh all and then took him Muhammad and put it in place and built upon Varzi everyone goes out of the conflict.
It was the people of ignorance recipes benign Kakarm, loyalty, courage, including the remnants of the religion of Abraham, such as venerating the house and circling him, Hajj and Umrah and giving the body and along with this they have the qualities and habits ugly such as adultery, drinking alcohol and usury and killing girls and injustice, and idolatry.
The first is the religion of Abraham and called for the worship of idols Amr ibn al-Khuzai neighborhood has brought idols to Mecca and other people called to worship, including the Wad, and Se, and Yaghuth, hampers, and the eagle.
Then the Arabs took other idols including fetish Manat Bkadid and Lat in Taif and Uzza Palm Valley and the Hubble in the middle of the Kaaba and the idols of the Kaaba and the idols in their homes and invoked people to soothsayers and fortune-tellers and magicians.
When the spread of polytheism and corruption in this way God sent Muhammad, peace be upon him at the age of forty years calling people to worship God alone and leave the worship of idols Vonkert it Quraish that said: (I make the gods one God that this thing Ajab) p / 5.
And this has remained the idols are worshiped instead of Allah until Allah sent His Messenger Muhammad, peace be upon him punished for standardization and is demolished and his companions, God bless them appeared Truth and falsehood.
The first revelation came to the Prophet, peace be upon him in the cave of Hira, who was worshiped in it, where he received Jibril told him to read the Prophet said that I am a reader repeat it in the third told him (read the name of your Lord who created, created man from a clot, Read and your Lord is Most Generous ) leeches / 1-2-3.
And he returned the Prophet, and his heart shivering, and entered his wife Khadija, and then told her and said I was afraid for myself and I reassured him and said: (God and God never does not disgrace you are to reach the uterus, and bear all, and report guest, and earn zero, and had the ravages of the right) and then launched him to her cousin paper bin Nawfal was may convert to Christianity when he told him ravenously and told him that the law of God which was revealed to Moses and told him to be patient if his people hurt him and pulled him out.
Then after a period of revelation grieved the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him while he was walking days as the king saw again between heaven and earth and he came back to his house and then wrap relay after that revelation to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
The Prophet stayed in Makkah for thirteen years advocated the worship of God alone, secretly, then openly where God ordered him to cracked right Vdaahm Blaine and the kindness of non-clan fighting and warn relatives and then warned his people and warned the Arabs around them and then warned the entire then warned both worlds. Then
He believed the messenger few rich and supervision, the weak and the poor and slaves, men and women and traumatized everyone in their religion Fzb each other and kill each other, and emigrated, some to Abyssinia to escape from the harm of Quraish and traumatized them the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him is patient until God showed his religion.
When the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him fifty years reached and passed ten years of his mission, his uncle Abu Talib, who was protected from the harm of Quraish then died after him, his wife Khadija, which was Tanasseh died hardened by the scourge of his people and dared him and hurting him Besnov harm a Saber calculated. God and prayers be upon him.
As intensified by the scourge and dared him Quraish came to Taif and called on its people to Islam did not answer him, but hurting him and threw stones at him until Odmoa his heels, and he came back to Mecca remained invite people to Islam in the pilgrimage and others.
Then prisoners of God in His Messenger night from the Sacred Mosque to the Al-Aqsa Mosque passengers on the Buraq, accompanied by Jibril, sat down and prayed prophets and then ascended to heaven, he saw the man, and lives happy on his right and the lives of the wretched from the north and then ascended to the second heaven and saw where Jesus and Yahya then to third, he saw where Joseph and then to the fourth and saw where Idris then to the fifth and saw where Aaron and then to the sixth and saw where Moses, then to the seventh and saw where Abraham and then raised to the Ultimate Tree and the word of the Lord Vokrema and impose on him and his nation fiftieth day and night and then Khvvha to five in work and pay fifty and settled praying five prayers a day and night to honor him for the nation of Muhammad, peace be upon him, then returned to Mecca before dawn began to tell them what happened to him and believes the believers and unbelievers lie:
Then God created for His Messenger, may Allah bless him and Inzareth, meeting in the pilgrimage season Brht of the city of Khazraj Voslmwa then returned to the city, and published by Islam when he was the next year became a dozen, meeting their Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him when he departed, sent with them Musab bin Omair Iqrihm Koran, Islam became Muslim and teaches them the creation of many hands, including the Aws Saad bin Maaz, and acid bin Hudayr leaders.
When he was next year came the pilgrimage season came out of them more than seventy men of Aws and Khazraj they called the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him to the city after being abandoned and hurt him the people of Mecca, he promised the Apostle in one of the nights Tashreeq at Aqaba And when the third night they went out of date and found the Prophet prayed Allah be upon him and his uncle Abbas did not believe in, but he would love to attend the command of his nephew spoke Abbas, the Prophet, and the men good words and then Bayahm Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him that migrate to them in the city to stop him, and Inasroh and defend him, and their paradise Fbayaoh one, one, and then they went away and then learned their Quraish they went out in the request, but God delivered them from them, and remained the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him in Mecca until
Then the Prophet ordered his companions to emigrate to the city Vhagroa Arsala only imprisoned polytheists was left in Mecca by Muslims but the Messenger of Allah and Abu Bakr and Ali when he felt the polytheists migration owners of the Prophet, peace be upon him to the city were afraid to catch up with them Victd ordered him they reasoned to kill him so he told Gabriel the Messenger of Allah so Apostle ordered that the supreme abode in the bed, contained deposits which was with the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him to her family and become polytheists at the door of the apostle went out to kill him if he went out of them and went to the house of Abu Bakr after God saved him from the plot
Then the Messenger of Allah's determination may Allah bless him and to migrate to the city, went out, he and Abu Bakr to the cave of Thor, and they stayed there for three nights and rented Abdullah ibn Abi Orivt was a polytheist for Adelhma on the road, and handed him Rahaltehma Vzart Quraish what happened and requested by all over the place, but God saved His Messenger, and when housing demand them, Arthla to the city when he's East them Quraish have done for those who come with them or one of them two hundred camels grandfather people in demand and on the way to the city, aware of their Suraqa bin Malik was a polytheist Voradhma called upon the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him Vsacht lists his horse in I knew the ground that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him is forbidden, and asked the Prophet to call him or harm him called him the Prophet, peace be upon him, and he came back easily copied, people responded with them then he became after the conquest of Mecca.
When the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him to the city arrived Enlarge Muslims joy of his arrival he was received by men, women and children rejoicing descended Bakaba and he built and Muslims Quba Mosque and established by a dozen of the night and then rode on Friday Vslaha in Bani Salim bin Auf then rode the camel and entered the city and the people Mahaton it, tearing at the reins of the camel to come down with them, he says to them the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, let her have it commanded walked until the bracket in the position of the mosque today.
And created a messenger of God to come down on his maternal uncles and dwelt near the mosque in Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, a house, then sent the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him comes from his family and his daughters, and the people of Abu Bakr of Mecca, they came to their town.
Then proceeded to the Prophet, peace be upon him and his companions to build a mosque at the place where the camel bracket and make accepted to Jerusalem and make the mayor of logs and palm leaves roof, then he turned to kiss the Kaaba after a few months of the introduction to the city.
Then my brother Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him between the immigrants and supporters and Oade Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him the Jews and wrote him and them a book on peace and defense of the city and gave the Jews ink Abdullah ibn Salam General and father of the Jews, but disbelief In that year the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him Aisha, may Allah married about her .
In the second year he embarked software and disbursement of God's direction to the Kaaba, and the imposition of fasting during Ramadan.
When the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him in the city has stabilized and supported by God his victory and wrapped immigrants and supporters around him and met hearts it when it threw the polytheists, Jews and hypocrites for one arc Vadhuh and slandered him and Barsoh to battle and God ordering him patience and forgiveness when he intensified their oppression and the worsening of their wickedness, God authorized for Muslims to fight .
Then God imposed on the Muslims fight fought.
Then God imposed on them fight all the infidels.
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him so he and his companions to call God and Jihad in the way of Allah responded Kidd aggressors and the payment of injustice for the oppressed and supported by God his victory, until he became the all religion God, then fight the infidels at Badr in the second year of immigration in Ramadan God Venzareth them and teams crowds in the third year treachery Jews of Bani Kinka, killing a Muslim Vogelahm Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him from the city to the Levant and then avenged Quraish dead in Badr, Fskrt about one in Shawwal of the third year and the battle took place and stick shooters command of the Prophet, why is victory for Muslims and departed polytheists to Mecca and did not enter the city.
Then the treachery of the Jews of Bani Nadir and they were about to kill the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and then throwing stone him Venjah God, then trapped in the fourth year and expelled them to Khyber.
In the fifth year conquered the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him Almstaleg built respond aggression, and won them, and the sheep of the funds and captives then sought Jewish leaders in pitting parties on Muslims to eradicate Islam in their own home. Gathered around the city and the Ethiopians polytheists and Jews Gtefan then God thwarted their scheme and insist His Messenger and the believers.
And then laid siege to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him Quraizah Jews of treachery, and Nqdahm Covenant Venzareth upon them, killing the men and atomic enchant and sheep raising.
In the sixth year of the determination of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him to visit the house and circling him Vsdh detest him, Vsalham in Hudaybiyah to stop fighting for ten years, where people feel safe and choose what they want people went into the religion of Allah in crowds.
In the seventh year of the Prophet Khyber invaded to eliminate the Jews who hurt Muslim leaders, and may God assist him Vhazarethm them and the sheep of money, land and Starter kings of the earth invite them to Islam.
In the eighth year sent the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him army led by Zaid bin Haritha to discipline offenders, but the Romans gathered a great army, killing a pimp Muslims and Allaah saved the rest of the Muslims from their evil.
Then betrayed infidels of Mecca Venqadwa Covenant head down to them the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him a great army and the conquest of Mecca, and cleansed his old idols, and the mandate of the infidels.
Then came the Battle of nostalgia in Shawwal of the eighth year respond to aggression educate and Hawazin Vhzmanm God and the Muslims gained many spoils, and then continued to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him march to the Taif and besieged, God did not authorize opened it he called them the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and departed, Voslmwa later and then returned and distributed booty, then Umrah and his companions then went to the city.
In the ninth year was the Battle of Tabuk in the time of hardness and intensity of severe and free the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him walked to Tabuk respond Kid Roman Vaskar there, did not receive Kedah and in favor of some of the tribes, and the sheep and then returned to the city and this latest foray conquered him blessings and peace came in that year delegations tribes want to engage in Islam and such delegation Tamim delegation Tay delegation Abdul Qais, and the delegation of Bani Hanifa and all of them converted to Islam and then ordered the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, Abu Bakr, the pilgrimage to people in that year and sent him high may Allah be pleased with him and ordered him to read for people Surat patent for patent of the idolaters and ordered him to call on the people and said the day of Sacrifice: (O ye people do not enter Paradise unbeliever, and not a pilgrimage after year gentile, and roams the house naked, and it was to him when he is the Messenger of God's reign to the duration).
In the tenth year of the determination of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him on a pilgrimage, and people called it Straddle him from the city and the other creating a lot so he entered ihraam than allies, and arrived in Mecca in Hijjah supernatant sought and taught people rituals and addressed the people with Arafat great sermon University, she decided where Islamic provisions of the fair, he said: (O people, hear my voice, I do not know to not meet you after the years of this, O people, your blood, and your money, and your honor Shame on you, like the sanctity of this day, in this month of yours, in this land of yours, not everything is ignorance subject under my feet, and the blood of ignorance in place, though the first blood I put the blood, the blood of Ibn Rabiah ibn al-Harith, was suckled in Bani Saad, killing him Havel. and Lord subject of ignorance, and the first Lord put usury Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, the whole subject, so fear God in women , it Okhztamohn safely God, dislike of the word of God, and to you they should not Aotin Frckm anyone whom you dislike, but in a manner beaten is excruciating, and they to you a living and Ksuten Virtue, have left in you what will not go astray after that Atsamtm by the book of Allah, and you ask me What you Qailon, they are seeing that you have reached, and I did, he said, and advised his index finger to the sky and brought Enktha people to bear witness O Allah, O God, bear witness three times).
When completed this religion of God, and decided origins, descended upon which Arafat.
This argument is called Farewell because the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and let the people, not performed Hajj and then after the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and returned after the completion of the pilgrimage to the city.
In the eleventh year in the month of Safar disease began the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and what he was seriously ache ordered Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him to pray with people in the first spring, the more the disease he laid hold of God and prayers be upon him sacrificed on Monday, the second day of the first spring of the year eleven Muslims grieved so deeply saddened and then wash and peace be upon the Muslims on Tuesday to Wednesday night and was buried in the house of Aisha and the Prophet had died and his religion will remain until the day of Resurrection.
Then the Muslims chose the owner and his companion in the cave in immigration, Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him Khalifa them and then took over the succession after him and then Omar Othman and Ali and these are the Caliphs Amahdion God bless them all.
God has blessed the Messenger Muhammad great yes and told him to morality stones.
God has a great work ethic Akram Messenger did not meet one else even praised him Rabbo.
In this noble moral and noble qualities, peace be upon him able to collect souls and hearts compose the permission of his Lord.
God has sent His Messenger Muhammad peace be upon him, to all people and revealed the Koran and told him to call God.
God has preferred Messenger Muhammad on the other prophets in six virtues, he said, peace be upon him: (I preferred the prophets Best, given the conciseness of speech, and Nusrat terrified, and transmitting spoils me and made me land a pure and a mosque, and sent to all the people, stamping my prophets ). Narrated by Muslim / 523.
It must be to all people of faith do, and follow His laws, to enter the commission of their Lord.
God has paid tribute to those who believe in the messenger of the people of the book and preached to pay twice.
It did not believe in the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him is an infidel, and the infidel reward fire and said upon him blessings and peace (and whose Hand is not heard me one of these Jewish nation is not a Christian then dies not believing in Him who sent, but it was the owners of the Fire). Narrated by Muslim / 154.
God has sent him to Islam, to proclaim it over all religion
The mission of the Prophet are reporting what sent him, and guidance in God's hands:
Because of the Prophet peace be upon him from a great human virtue, calling for the debt and remove them from darkness to light, God has forgiven his sins and what the delay and ordered us to pray in many cases
The Prophet labored blessings and peace for the sake of the publication of this religion and his companions struggled with him, we follow his example and follow his Sunnah and follow the teachings
Islam is a religion of justice and common sense religion favored by God to all people, which includes the assets and branches and ethics and morals and worship and transactions will not be happy nation only follow it and work it and Allah will not accept from other people
O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as the original Ibrahim, Ali Ibrahim you Hameed Majeed.

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