


Moses is Clem God sent him to guide Pharaoh and his people and the children of Israel Tngeh book was the Torah.

-oouhy God to Moses, son of Imran peace be upon him and sent him to the children of Israel, inviting them to worship God alone
- And it was built at the time of Israel in Egypt under the rule of Pharaoh .. has enslaved and humiliated was too shy to tell their wives and kill their children ..
- Moses was born in Egypt .. God and wanted to grow up in the house of Pharaoh .. Vodath his mother in a coffin and threw in the sea .. .. Valtqth Pharaoh and rejoiced with his wife and Asia Nhthm about to kill him .. As the most intense to whom God judgment and note reached.
- One day Astagat Moses the man of the sons of Israel on his enemy .. Vczh Moses, he judged it .. repented Moses and ask forgiveness of his Lord forgave him .. and became the city's scared watching .. On the second day he found Moses, the man fighting his enemy .. Fastnzareth visits Moses was angry with him again .. man thought he wanted to kill him.
- And I was told that the enemy the people of Pharaoh .. so they start looking for a Moses to kill him came a good man, and told Moses, including plotting his people and advised him to get out of Egypt ..
- Moses and went to the land of the debtor .. there and married a daughter of Sheikh Karim .. compared to the same rental has been eight years ..vlma term Moussa walked with his family to Egypt .. When he was a phase Sinai that God wanted his own jurisdiction dignity and his prophecy and his words ..vdil Moses saw the road Nara ...
- And then I see some of the miracles of God ordered him to throw his stick on the ground and swerved live .. enters his hand in his pocket, came out white .. and then told him to go to these Almadztin Pharaoh perhaps remember or fear .. has exceeded the limit in tyranny and corruption .. and sent with Moses his brother Aaron
- Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh peace be upon them and Bulgah message .. Pharaoh asked Moses ..
- Then Pharaoh asked Moses verse attest his honesty ..
- When he saw that Pharaoh and his entourage were accused of witchcraft .. Musa then collected his magicians and pushed them .. thanks .. pay people gather on ornamental .. magicians threw their ropes and their rods ..
- Then Nasrallah Moses on magicians and champion guile and secure magicians Lord of the Worlds ..
- As safe magicians God .. Pharaoh cut off the hands of magicians and feet from opposite and their descendants .. Vsberoa was shrugged off by threatening even they were God Muslims ..tm overseeing the murder of Moses and his people pointed out, lest he ruin the land, killing children and Asthioa women .. he recommended Moses, the children of Israel for patience .. then fed Votmr Pharaoh Moses and his people to kill him ..
- When they were thinking in the murder of Moses .. virility pushed believing man from Pharaoh stifles defended his faith Moses .. He said that was a liar will not be bad for us ..oan was honest Asbkm some of the promises and continued this man advised Pharaoh and his people did not respond to him ..
- Moussa remained Pharaoh calls and his people Bmoazp good .. but what bestowed only louder in the ground and tyranny and torture of believers .. And he called them Moses .. God Faqubhm Paljdb and drought and lack of fruits that they might remember .. but they did not comply, but they continued to Agramhm and tyranny .. Vosabhm God Besnov other calamities so that they might return ..
- As increased the tyranny of Pharaoh .. divine vulva came God of Moses commanded to come out Beni Israel from Egypt secretly .. When Pharaoh learned to collect a large army to realize Moses and his people before they reach Palestine .. and left Pharaoh and his soldiers, leaving behind orchards and gardens and the money .. They knew Moses and his people with the sunrise at the Red Sea coast Venjy God of Moses and his people .. and drowned Pharaoh and his soldiers
- Thus perished Pharaoh and his soldiers, and when he catches a safe drowning .. but did not help him that .. and God has kept his body to be a lesson to those who were after him .. and the death of Pharaoh in the world drowning in the sea and in the Hereafter severe torment ..
- The children of Israel has seen the miracles of Moses and the latest miracle of deliverance and the destruction of their enemy were these miracles enough to disarm the pagan deposits of their hearts, but they were sometimes Taadeh .. Musa horrors and killing for the sake of their response to the worship of Allah alone .. including:
When exceeded sea passed by some people who worship idols .. they asked Moses to take them to idol worship him like these Moses said to them
Marched built by Israel to the Holy Land and in the way they have suffered thirst Vhkoa Moses called Rabbo Vsagahm ..
On their way complained about the intensity of the sun's heat and lack of food .. Moses called Rabbo Fezllahm Balaghmam .. and livelihood of good things, but they did not even thank asked other ...
The God of Moses had promised to inflict upon a book's and don'ts for the Children of Israel .. When he perished Pharaoh God of Moses Rabbo asked the writers told him to fast for forty days Behind his brother Aaron in his people and fasted those days .. Then God revealed the Torah at Mount Sinai .. where homilies and detailing everything .. when he returned to his people and his grandfather worshiped the calf which made them Samaritan ornaments and told them that God and the God of Moses ..
When Moses came wrath on them and their mother and between them right .. and then burning the calf, and threw it into the sea, and punished the Samaritan was in pain from touching anything.
Regrets the children of Israel to the worship of the calf .. chose them Moses seventy men went them to Mount Sinai to give obedience to God .. and regret what they did .. and there God spoke to Moses .. but some of them did not believe that it is God who spoke to Moses Fsoa and said, 'Show us God openly ..
And when Moses returned to the children of Israel and the Torah with him they refused to accept them and complained about provisions they received Fahaddhm .. \
Then Moses ordered the children of Israel to go with him to the Holy Land in Palestine and they went with him and were afraid of the people the toughest and disobeyed Moses and rebelled against him ..
Moussa called on them .. and God answered his prayer .. and told him that the Holy Land is prohibited them .. and they Siteon in the land for forty years do not grieve for them ...
Thus, under the Sabra Moses murmurings of the children of Israel and the large number of complaints .. .. In a period of wandering he died Aaron ..tm Musa died .. and most of them died .. When he entered the elapsed time Joshua their holy land, and besieged it even opened .. and ordered them to enter the Earth Holy prostrate did not comply .. and they entered the Ostahm.
- God has blessed the children of Israel, a great yes Vonjahm of Pharaoh .. and livelihood of good things .. and made them prophets and kings .. and virtue on the worlds, but they did not disbelieve those graces Ahkuroha ...
- And for Jews bad words and deeds of malicious dictated to them and the wrath of God on them.
- Has accused God parsimonious ..
And disbelieved by saying this great slander ..
And attributed to God the child of God that I fought Aavkon ...
- Because the Bible in their own language Kafr many of them .. provisions and turn from the way of God .. and profaned God's injustice Faqubhm their sins ..
- It Bhtanhm they are saying they God's children and loved ones ..
- It is the lies and Bhtanhm saying ..
- It Afteraihm and their lies saying ..
- It is cunning and betrayal they twist their book of the Torah ..
- And their crimes because they disbelieve the revelations of Allah and kill the prophets unjustly God Faqubhm their sins
- As for the Jews of grievances, and fabrications, bad business and corruption in the land God gave them enmity and hatred will not play them with a list to the Day of Resurrection ..
- Jews and weak people ..gulwbhm sporadic .. various whims ..
- Jews and the most hostile to those who believe .. and Jews to their tyranny and corruption hate to escape death after death, which as he says.

- Jews remained on the corruption and tyranny and distortion .. God sent to the children of Israel, many of the prophets and apostles for their response to the right path. Some of them .. and secure them from Kfar .. so God sent them Jesus son of Mary peace be upon him.

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