
Isa Ibn Maryam

 Isa Ibn Maryam

Christ Jesus brought into existence Mary daughter of Imran, a barren and his book of the Gospel, the only prophet who did not die.
- Mary, daughter of Imran valid pious woman .. and worked hard in worship so you do not have a counterpart in the rituals and worship .. Fbchertha angels Bastefa her God ..
Angels heralded Mary that God Sahb her son creates word Be! And this boy named Jesus Christ the son of Mary .. It will be good in this world and the hereafter and a messenger to the Children of Israel .. and knows the Book and Wisdom and the Torah and the Bible .. It has the qualities and miracles are not for others ..
- Then God is fully informed about the gospel of the angels to Mary with her son Jesus peace be upon him, he said about honoring Jesus, and his support in miracles.
- And God has absolute perfection in creation .. creates what He wills He wills .. It has created Adam from dust without a father or mother .. and the creation of Eve from Adam's rib of a father without a mother .. and make the descendants of the sons of Adam and the father and mother .. Issa create a mother without a father .. Glory creative Knowing.
- And may the God in the Koran how the birth of Jesus statement panacea
- When he told her that Jibril succumbed to spend God Venfaj Jibril in the pocket shield ..
- Then stalk God to Mary water and food .. and ordered her not to speak to anyone ..
- Then Mary came to her people carrying her son Jesus .. When they saw her and Oazmwa very Astnkeroh Tjbhm .. no .. She ask them to tell you this child .. he says ..
- Jesus answered them immediately as a child in the cradle ..
So the news of Jesus son of Mary Abd Allah and His Messenger .. but the people of the book differed concerning it, some of whom he is the Son of God .. Some of them, Hu said the third of three .. Some of them is God said .. Some of them say is the servant of Allah and His Messenger, and the latter is to say the right
- And when the children of Israel deviated from the straight path .. and exceeded the limits of God .. Fezlmo A, and corrupted the land and denied the team whom the Baath and numeracy and punishment .. and indulged in lusts and pleasures unexpected account .. Then God sent them Jesus the son of Mary, a messenger and his knowledge of the Torah and the Bible as he says his
- God has revealed to Jesus the son of Mary, the Gospel Huda and Nora .. and confirming the Torah ..
- And Jesus, peace be upon him had preached the coming of the Messenger of Allah comes after him named Ahmad, Muhammad peace be upon him says
 Jesus invited the children of Israel to worship God alone .. and the provisions of the Torah and the Bible .. and take Ejadlhm shows the corruption of their conduct .. When he saw their stubbornness and disbelief showed signs of them .. stop in his people, saying, Ansari to God? Disciples believed in him and the number twelve
- God, Jesus supported the great miracles remember the power of God .. and educates the spirit .. and send a faith in God and the Last Day .. was created from clay body bird Vinfaj it shall be a bird, God willing .. The heal the blind and the leper, and revives the dead, God willing, and telling people what to eat the saving in their homes .. so the Jews who God sent Jesus to them Bmaadath and divert people away from him .. and contradict him, and throwing his mother's immorality.
      - When they saw that the weak and the poor believe in it .. and rally around then orchestrated the plot to kill him Vhradwa Romans it .. and placebo Roman governor to invite Jesus ephemeral of his reign he issued his order to arrest Jesus and the crucifixion .. he threw God semi Isa man junkie who Wuxi him he laid hold the soldiers they perceive Jesus crucified him .. God, Jesus and survived steel and murder as God speaks about the Jews ..
- Fiesy did not die, but God raised him .. and will come down before the Day of Judgment and followed Muhammad, peace be upon him .. and Sakzb Jews who claimed the killing of Jesus and his crucifixion .. and Christians who hyperbole in which they said is God .. or the Son of God .. or the third of three .qal Prophet peace be upon him .. (and my hand to Yushkn to descend among you, son of Mary judgment in installments break the cross and kill the pig and put the tribute and brimming with money so as not to accept one). Agreed Narrated by Muslim, No. 155.
- If Jesus came down before the Day of Judgment safe by the people of the book
- And Jesus son of Mary Abd Allah and His Messenger .. sent by God to guide the children of Israel and the call to worship God alone as the Almighty said to the Jews and the Christians ..
- To say that Jesus the son of God and the great words of a great evil ..
- And Jesus son of Mary preached a slave of God and His Messenger, it is believed that Jesus Christ is God, son of Mary, has disbelieved ..
- It is said that Christ, the Son of God or the third of three, has disbelieved ..
- Christ the son of Mary preached .. .. born to a mother eats and drinks .. The sleep .. and suffer and cry .. and God is far above that .. How can he be a god .. it is Abd Allah and His Messenger
- The Jews and the Christians spoiled the Crusaders and their followers religion of Christ and distorted it and changed and told them God that God gave his son Jesus to be killed and steel redemption of humanity .. there is nothing wrong on the one that works wills were carrying him Issa all sins .. and spread it among the communities Christians until they made it part the whole of their faith .. this falsehood and lying to God and say it without knowledge .. but all the same, including earned hostage .. and people's lives are not suitable nor upright if not approach them walking it .. and then stand limits.
- See how they invent a lie against Allah, they say God is right ..
- God has taken it to a Christian taking on the work of Jesus and what he brought, Fbdloa and distorted Fajtlfoa then turned away .. God Faqubhm hostility and hatred in the world .. and torment in the Hereafter.
- God has made in the followers of Jesus and the faithful compassion and mercy .. They are the closest affection for the followers of Muhammad than others as he says:
- And Jesus the son of Mary is another Prophets of Israel .. Then Allah sent after Muhammad, peace be upon him from the descendants of Ishmael to all people, the last of the prophets and messengers.

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