
Ghassan Kanafani

 Ghassan Kanafani

Ghassan Kanafani, is considered one of the most Arab writers and journalists of our time. His literary works were novels and short stories rooted in the depth of Arab and Palestinian culture.
Born in Acre, north of Palestine, on the ninth of April 1936, and lived in Jaffa until May 1948, when forced to seek refuge with his family at first to Lebanon and then to Syria. He lived and worked in Damascus and then in Kuwait and then in Beirut since 1960, and in July 1972, cited in Beirut with his niece Lamis in a car bomb attack at the hands of Israeli agents.
Ghassan Kanafani, until the date of his death early eighteen published a book. He wrote hundreds of articles on culture, politics and the struggle of the Palestinian people. In the wake of the assassination has been re-publish all his works in Arabic, in several editions. And he collected his novels and short stories, plays and essays published in four volumes. Most of the literary and Ghassan translated into seventeen languages ​​and published in more than 20 countries, it has been directed by some of the acts of a play and radio programs in several Arab and foreign countries. Two of his novels turned into movies. The literary works written between 1956 and 1972 are today increasingly important.
Although Ghassan novels and short stories, and most of the other literary works were written in the context of the question of Palestine and its people the unique literary talents gave a comprehensive global attractiveness.
Ghassan was often repeating: << >> children are our future. I've written a lot of stories that were heroes of children.
And it published a collection of his short stories in Beirut in 1978 under the title << children Ghassan Kanafani.
The English translation of which was published in 1984, it was entitled "Children of Palestine."

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