


Nefertiti is considered the most beautiful queens of the world, Egypt stretches descendants of the Pharaohs who built a civilization of pyramids in Egypt ..

Nefertiti, whose name means "beautiful come" is the wife Omnhotپ IV (who later became Akhenaten) Pharaoh's family famous eighteenth, and protectors of Tutankhamen.

Queen assets Nefertiti is uncertain and is believed to be the sister of King Akhenaten and their mother is Queen Tiye, and Mrdatha was the wife of the Minister Aye, who is likely to be a brother of Queen Tiye .okan called often "Abu Elah" This suggests that maybe his father was by virtue of his marriage to his mother, and in any case which did not mention at all about himself as Abu Nefertiti. Although there are references to the image of the death of the sister of Nefertiti Notjmt Mutnojme decree and decorated by the Tomb of Ay.

Akhenaten and Nefertiti and sons: -
Queen Nefertiti her husband participated in the worship of the new religion, a cult of Aten power disk of the sun, and she and her husband, the mediator between the people and the roar, and assumed that the full grant blessed only when united royal couple, and the Nefertiti during the early years of the rule of her husband changed its name according to change its doctrine to Nfrnfraton Nefertiti which means Aten shines as the beautiful has come.

Remember Nefertiti statue mid to her face, photographer and carved on a piece of limestone in one of the finest pieces of art from ancient times a month fee of Queen Nefertiti, and found him Egyptologist German Udwiگ Borchardt, on December 6, 1912, in the workshop of the sculptor Thutmose at Amarna. Borchardt statue escaped the full (non-scarified) to his house in the Zamalek neighborhood of Cairo, and from there he fled to Germany is hidden within the broken pottery pieces is of value, sent to Berlin for restoration.

There is another statue of the head of Nefertiti in the Egyptian Museum of red quartzite and decorated with touches of ink which is not less than the in-built from the head in Berlin's accuracy, but less well known. One of the great titles of property wife's property,

Nefertiti of Akhenaten gave birth to six girls:

Meritaten was born in Thebes before moving on to the furnace of sister
MCT Aten
Ankhs The Ba Aten and who married Tutankhamun
Invernfro Aten indicative
Invernfro Ra
The step of Ra

: The end of her life:
After the second year, ten of the rule of Akhenaten, Nefertiti disappeared There was no mention of them and thought they had died and was buried in a cemetery Bakhittatun also believed to Tutankhamun's mummy move with his father Akhenaten's sister were abandoned when the furnace has not been found on the mummy of Nefertiti

Nefertiti, the beautiful Egypt, in Berlin
Newly released study conducted by a team of German researchers showed that the famous Queen Nefertiti, the pharaonic statue, displayed in the Egyptian Museum in Berlin, has a two-sided: External his realistic features and another shows a hidden face is characterized by perfect.

German researchers discovered that the ancient Egyptian queen Nefertiti statue, which is about 3,300 years old and displays in the Egyptian Museum in Berlin, contains the latest statue depicts a smaller inside face of the Queen, which made the researchers are talking about two sides of Nefertiti:
An external face and the face is hidden. Scientists also confirmed their belief that the sculptor, who was sculpting the bust of Nefertiti, you may re-sculpted again.

This discovery comes after he held a team of German scientists from the Institute of Internal Imaging Science (Imaging Science) of the Hospital Charité (Charité) in Berlin in 2007 depiction Tomogravea the bust of Nefertiti. However, it did not publish this information is only in the number of newly-issued magazine "Radiologi" (Radiology) scientific.

An external face and another cryptic: -

The study reported that the German researchers had found on the face of the limestone has been carefully sculpted exterior plasterboard under the inscription of the statue of the ancient Egyptian queen. In this context, says Alexander Hoberts, director of the Institute of Internal Imaging Science, he said that "the internal face of Nefertiti is not anonymous. But the royal sculptor Thutmose, who Bnanh accurately is." The study showed that Thutmose placed layers of different thickness of external plaster on the inner part and made of limestone, designed -aly what Abdo- to highlight some of the features of the famous queen.
Hoberts indicates that the comparison with the outer face may show differences, while the hidden face shows wrinkles at the corners of the mouth, has been on the outer face added wrinkles on the corners of the eyelids as well as a slight increase in the nose curve compared to the hidden face.

For his part, Dietrich Veldong, director of the Egyptian Museum in Berlin, had pointed out that the sculptor Pharaoh Tuthmosis, who was sculpting the bust of Nefertiti is known, it was not seeking to make a "full descriptions of the statue," when re-facial sculpting again, but he wants to "give after realistic "on the face of Nefertiti.

Expected transfer of the bust of Nefertiti in the fall of the old Egyptian Museum to the new museum adjacent to this,
It is noteworthy that the queen Nefertiti was the main wife of Akhenaten, who ruled ancient Egypt in 1350 BC.

The archeologist Ludwig Borchardt discovered the bust of Nefertiti has during excavations for antiquities in 1912 and moved with him to Germany. Some accounts suggest that Borchardt had deceived the Egyptians at the time to remove the bust of Nefertiti from the country.

Currently it displays the head in the old museum in Berlin, but it will be transferred to the new museum adjacent, which is scheduled to open next fall. As still Nefertiti's statue is a source of contention between Germany and Egypt for years, where the Berlin refuses to allow him to Egypt to be displayed at the opening of the new Egyptian museum within a few years.

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