
Yasser Arafat

 Yasser Arafat

Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestinian people and the bomber modern revolution, and one of the most great leaders in the world during the twentieth century, fought struggle and jihad relentlessly for more than half a century on various fronts, restored life to the name of Palestine and the issue of people in human consciousness, and put the Palestinian cause on the world political map .
Since his birth until his death, as if Palestine were in constant appointment with him and with themselves, he carried "Yasser" in the process of his entire Palestine .. and tons and the issue .. hope the two .. carry and stuck them to the point where it became two names are synonymous for many years .. The reported Palestine said Arafat .. .. .. though I said Arafat knew the Pakistani and Dutch, Russian and Cuban, Chinese, American and Indonesian ... you mean Palestine.
Perhaps the first creation conditions for "Mohammed Yasser" or "Yasser" is polished his personality and earned him the dye outstanding ability that made him emitter Palestinian National Alekianah, and the commander of refugees who might have cause to be placed on a "shelf" revolution .. otherwise tremendous effort and accumulated struggle for hundreds of thousands of people led by Yasser Arafat in a battle to prove existence and exiled exile ... in the battle to devote fact that the Palestinian people and to prevent the extinction of his case or scatter them.
And also those growing up in Jerusalem and in childhood playgrounds between the corners of the Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock and the Western Wall and the Church of the Resurrection, that has made and kept Habiba Jerusalem is dear to his heart and mind ..rvd waived even paid with his life for her loyalty.

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