
Barack Hussein Obama

Barack Hussein Obama

Nickname: Barack Oobamaasm birth: Barack Hussein Obama Altanaath: United States Alomrakihaldeanh: Christatarej of birth: August 4, 1961 Place of birth: Honolulu, Hawayalaml: lawyer, politician, political Malvalaml: President of the United States, Sinatortrtiba: 44 Political party: The party Aldemoukratysnoat work: January 20 2009 - until now (head) Marital status: Metzojalzojh: Michelle Robinson Obama sons: Malia, Sasha parents: Barack Obama Sr., Stanley Ann Dunham
Arak Obama, the forty-fourth President of the United States, carrying with him a biography is different from the life of a former President of the United States. Barack Obama, the duo race Jr., a Kenyan father and a white mother from the heart of the US territory, launched Kalshhb to national fame, across the political keynote speech was accepted enthusiastically, speech at the national convention of the Democratic Party in 2004, where he said: "There is no American liberal, there are no American province, but there is only the United States of America. there is not a black America and white, or America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America ... We are one people, all of us pledge allegiance to the American flag, all of us defending the United States of America. "Obama was elected a member of the US Senate from Illinois that year. After four years only, was able to win the Democratic nomination to him to contest the presidential election and then to win against Republican candidate Sen. John Mckin.alsnoat Aloolyjae Obama's parents from different backgrounds Hdidta. His mother, Ann Dunham, was born and raised in a small town in the state of Kansas. After her family moved to the Hawaiian Islands, she met Barack Obama Sr., a Kenyan student who was studying at the University of Hawaii grant. The two married in 1959, and on 4 August / August 1961, Barack Obama Jr. was born in Honolulu. Two years later the senior Obama left his new family to pursue post-graduate studies at Harvard University and then a job as a government economist in Kenya. Separated parents Ann and Barack Sr., did not Obama meets his father's son after that, but only once, when he was at the age of Axh.andma Obama was at the age of six, his mother married again, this time of an executive employee of the Indonesian oil sector, and the family moved to Indonesia, Obama spent four years studying in Jakarta, the capital of that country. He eventually returned to Hawaii and went to high school and lived in the confines of his grandparents to hand Obama Aldth.gadr Hawaii to attend Occidental College in Los Angeles, California City for two years. He later moved to New York where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Columbia University's prestigious years 1983.daoh service Amhbdo Obama his career as a writer financially with an international consulting company in New York, but he left his job of that in the year 1985 to move to Chicago, where he worked as organizer a community with a consortium of local churches to help revitalize communities suffered great damage to the closure of local steel plants. After three years of this work, Obama decided to join the Faculty of Law at Harvard University, where he distinguished himself by being elected the first black president of the magazine "Harvard Law Review" prestigious, and graduated magna cum laude in Obama 1991.aad to Chicago, his adopted hometown, where he practiced Rights Act civil and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago, and worked on voter registration in Chicago to help Democratic candidates. In 1992, he married Michelle Robinson, the other graduates from the Faculty of Law at Harvard University. Barack and Michelle have two daughters Malia, 10, and Sasha, seven Obama Snoat.qam his first attempt to run for election in 1996, won a seat in the Illinois state senate. Among his legislative accomplishments over the next eight years in the state senate were campaign finance reform, tax cuts for the working poor, and improvements in the criminal justice system in Alolaah.almrahlh Alqomahbad failing the first attempt for him to enter the US House of Representatives in 2000, Obama ran year's race 2004 for the US Senate. And quickly he got him on the Democratic Party nominate what he got from the share of the votes, which amounted to 53 percent, beating his six opponents combined in those elections. Resulted in Obama's speech, delivered in the electoral Democratic Congress, it reached polished, lanterns, about the need to transcend partisan divisions and its call for a "Hope policies" rather than "questioning policies", to put it under the national media spotlight as a rising star in the Democratic Party. He went on to win handily in the Senate race that autumn and won the overwhelming proportion reached 70 percent of the vote Alhobeih.alterah for Riashkant campaign primaries long-Democratic Party, which took place in 2008, with elections and meetings of party in all fifty states, historical from several aspects. If he had run in the past African-Americans and women for office, but this time the two candidates front-runners were a woman and an American out of Afriqi.samm Obama camp innovative strategy of targeting states that used caucuses system rather than the general primaries, and focus on the US smaller ones that were traditionally cast their votes in favor of the Republican party in the general election, and this strategy has succeeded to win the Democratic party nomination and win the presidency over Republican rival John McCain in Alnhih.riash Oobamabarak Obama is among the youngest American presidents are not. Born at the end of a generation "baby boom" after World War II (1946-1964), as he is also the first president came of age in the eighties of the last century. The environment in which he grew up was markedly different from the sixties bustling socially, a past that was drafted personalized baby boom generation that preceded the generation Oobama.kdmt Larissa Mkavarkohar of the New Yorker magazine, theory about gravity notable for Obama overtaking traditional political lines, I wrote to say, "Obama's record election indicates that one of the most liberal in the Senate, but he always gets the Republicans impressive perhaps because he speaks about liberal goals in conservative language. "the BG Dion, a political commentator in the Washington Post, the cross perfectly for confrontational meeting between Obama's candidacy and the American zeitgeist when he wrote: change, not experience, was the tyrant feature of the day. Overview, not mastering the details, it was the most valuable in the letters of the campaign virtue. Complete break with the past, not just a return to better days, a most worthy promise.

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