
Donald Trump

 Donald Trump

Donald Trump considers US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who is challenging a successor to President Barack Oobaama ..

Trump is 69, a candidate is expected within a large group of candidates who participate in the presidential race in 2016.
He condemned Trump's foreign and economic policy of the country, and mocked American politicians and pledged to reform what he called the deterioration of the United States, saying: "Our country is suffering a real problem. We no longer have victories. When was the last time we beat them, to move to China in a business deal. They're killing us. I can I overcome China has always been. when we beat Japan in anything? they send us their cars in the millions, and what do we do about it? ".
He said the businessman, who the magazine "Forbes" "estimated fortune of $ 4.1 billion, that" the United States has become a dumping ground for other people's problems. "
It is said that Trump, who saw the light before 69 years in New York, is the candidate No. 12 elections, the Republican Party of the Interior, to choose the one running the election in November next year on the American position more importantly, the Executive Director of the Foundation, "Trump Real Estate" and founder of the resorts entertainment famous bear his name President , it operates several casinos and hotels in some countries of the world, and achieved fame as a star in a TV glossy reality in which he called the Apprentice or "the Apprentice" on NBC television station program, in which the hosts celebrities, are increasing at the same time of his fame on every level.

And also increase the fame of his daughter Ivanka, which US media reported that the common wealth with her husband $ 3 billion, which is a Jewish religion Balaatnaq, and star community, a TV and a writer, and a businesswoman in the fields of real estate, fashion, and got married in 2009, the American Jewish radical, Jared Kushner, activist, also in the real estate field and the owner of the newspaper the New York Observer and the father of them to a son and daughter.
It is said that US media disgracing the Trump, "is squandered money and Bzkhh and his quest to fame, and the arrogance of his character volatile", considered, however, that will be the biggest threatened to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Party, and Jeb Bush, the Republican, if docked the case and the president's brother former US George W. Bush in the presidential race.
With greetings from historical figures site ..

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