
Christopher Columbus

 Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus in 1451 AD --1 506 m famous Italian traveler, is credited with the discovery of the New World (America). Born in the city of Genoa in Italy and studied at the University of Pavia mathematics, natural sciences and perhaps also of astronomy. Across the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean islands arrived on October 12, 1492 but the discovery of the land of the North American continent was on his second voyage in 1498. Some effects indicate a connection between the European and American continent even before Columbus' discovery of that land a long time. His character inspired by the name of country: Colombia [1].

The idea of ​​the journey
At December 16, 1492 ships returned Binta and Nina to Spain in the return trip took nearly three months since the Spanish arrived in the port on March 15, 1493. It is the first cruise, which lasted the duration of continuous sailing in the piece era.
The belief that Columbus arrived in the so-called Western India has been successful trips where he was able to bring the gold Alktar, and possession of many of the islands named in Hindi. King and Queen of Spain were in the very joy of the findings of the sea explorer Columbus.
In May 20, 1506 m in Spain, his health deteriorated and began fighting for his life after he scuffled throughout his life with the waves of the sea and the ocean. And it had been buried without doing the funeral ceremony, which restored scientists and discoverers of that time.
Christopher Columbus died in Valladolid in 1506 in the house which is now a museum dedicated to H.aaln in 2006 from research conducted by a team from the University of Granada on the bones of the person buried in the Cathedral of Sevilla results, which proved to have belonged to Christopher Columbus (1451 1506).
But despite the fact that Christopher Columbus was the first to discover the new Omricaalm but it is named for someone else is Amerigo Vespucci, who confirmed that Christopher Columbus did not reach Alai India but came to the New World in 1507 the geographical German Martin Wald similare draw a map of the New World as he saw and described Omirijo suggested that called this world Discovered the name of this proposal and found acceptable,
He called this new world America relative to Omirijo ...

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