
Bill Gates

 Bill Gates

Bill Gates is the pin as Microsoft co-founder is the richest man in the world and his great fame in the world.

Bill Gates was born on 28/10/1955 in Seattle in the United States, from a wealthy family with a trust fund worth million dollars left them with his grandfather, "deputy head of the National Bank in America", but he refused to single dollar is used in the construction of himself and his empire.
His father William was a prominent lawyer and his mother, Mary, was a teacher and was a major cause in the organization of his life. His father, Bill Jr. and named,
Was a lawyer in force, but a conservative with Bill and his two sisters Christine and Libby.
 Was always repeating: - I can do anything "yes" I put all my thinking it ..
In 1969 he created Bill Gates and Paul Allen Group programmers Lakeside for a computer company, and that was a turning point in which the Taliban know a lot of things.
At the secondary level, Bill continued to work in the software where he founded with his friend Paul Traf-O-Data company sells a small computer system containing their program for the traffic flow to the US in the American data. This company did not achieve great success, but they have achieved through which reasonable and useful experience profit.

When Gates was on a business trip, the first secretary of the Microsoft Miriam Lauber set. When he returned and approached one of the coaches complain that a small boy came to Gates' office and computer messes. And it opened her mouth amazed that this boy was the same Bill Gates (Bill appears much smaller than the old). When the pair Miriam learned that the 21-year-old director. He suggested them to make sure if they will catch a salary or not last month.
Bill Gates, the collection of 30 of the best programmers and spent two years, with work extra hours, trying to invent Windows - the results were disappointing, but the invention of the "mouse" It was an effective and practical at the time. Gates lost his patience and threatens to become all of the company's termination of its services if it is not completed and Windows, and it was people Aarahm at that time. "
On 13 March 1986, Microsoft has entered the stock market, and became Paul Allen and Bill Gates of millionaires, Bill Gates became the richest Americans, but remained live his life the same way. In March 1986, Microsoft moved once again to the new sites to accommodate 1,200 employees in Parkland.
Bill Gates was born to success has many enemies tried to fight it, and I got a few problems with the Apple company reached the courts. But he continued the best programs and applications produced by Microsoft Corp. that production.
In 1999, Gates laid out his "business and the speed of thought," a book shows how technology can overcome the computers associated with the business in new ways and innovative problems. The book has been published in 25 different languages ​​and is available in more than 60 countries.
And received the book "Business Speed ​​of Thought" widely appreciated, and earned his place among the list of best-selling books "The New York Times," "USA. USA Today," "Wall Street Journal" and the company "Amazon".
The previous book Gates "the way forward", which was published in 1995, has topped the best-selling books in the "New York Times" list for seven weeks.
Gates has donated a yield of books Monday to non-profit organizations working to promote the use of technology in education and skills development.
Finally, Bill is an important foundation in the computer industry running and Ndwoz.

Logo Bill Gates "as Microsoft" company, Logo Bill Gates "Microsoft" company

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