


Aristotle is a Greek philosopher and the most important pillars of philosophy in the world, it has many books that worshiped this behavior.
Born Aristotle (Orstatalis / Aristotle) ​​in 384 BC. He lived until 322 BC. In Stajra. A Greek colony and port on the coast of Thrace. And his father was a doctor Nicomajos King Amyntas of Macedon tile Hence severe Aristotle correlation tiles Macedonia, which has affected to a large extent in his life and his fate came breeders was Alexander the Great. To study in Plato's Academy has entered and remained there for twenty years. And it did not leave until after Plato's death. It was one of the greatest philosophers of his time and the most informed and to know what is estimated issued from the writings of the author of 400 between a book and a small chapters. He knew Balalmah and realism. Aristotle philosophy known gems in terms essence, Viarafha saying it was aware of the overall essence of all that is unrealistic. While Plato defines philosophy as the world of ideas idea unconditional basis, meaning the idea of ​​the phenomenon in.
Despite this difference, both the teacher and the pupil studying topics of philosophy as it relates to kidney universal, Aristotle total find in real things in while total Plato finds independent away from material things, the overall relationship phenomena and material things is the example relationship prototype (ideal exemplar ) and the application. Philosophical way Aristotle meant a rise from the study of natural phenomena leading to the identification and definition of the total, while in Plato was the start of ideas and ideals to descend then to the representations of ideas and their application on the ground.
Aristotle died March 7, 322 BC ...

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