
Hugo Chávez

 Hugo Chávez

Venezuelan leader Venezuelan President Wahid after the session. He became president in 1999. knew his government power with democratic socialism and best known for calling him by the integration of Latin America's political and economic antagonism with imperialism and the sharp criticism of the proponents of globalization of modern liberals and foreign policy of the United States of America. Is a controversial figure, where he led Venezuela in defiance of US policy, which printed a unique political era of Latin American life, he returned to the continent rolled left and sympathy with the oppressed in the entire world issues. He says Followers he wrote and read a lot but I like the most to speak, was Chavez was loves interlocutor people all the time, and addressed them at a rate of 40 hours per week, and the late President held a routine meeting, but that he was inviting them to the weekly meetings are broadcast either on television or radio . The owner of the famous red shirt, who was born on July 28, 1954 in the mud hut of his grandmother Rosa Inez Chavez in the village of Sabaneta poor destitute, true to the poor who Aichehem in the poorest districts of the country floats on oil. Since he took power after democratic elections in 1998, Chavez has embarked on a new constitution for the country inspired by the ideas of Simon Bolivar (1783-1830), most Latin American countries from Spanish occupation editor.

 Chavez anti-globalization, and the need for several axes and poles in the world, in the political discourse is anti-American. He also economical Important reforms, notably the distribution of land to the poor after it had been in the hands of few coterie of citizens. President Chavez has passed since he was elected president of Venezuela several difficult Alatnat, most serious coup in April 2002 11, which lasted for 48 hours and pulled down the popular Venezuelan masses, which surrounded the coup in the presidential palace and military camps and prevented from moving, and restored Chavez to the presidency. Chavez returned to the presidential palace and sworn the constitutional president of Venezuela, and handed the reins of government to his deputy Capello on April 13, and after returning to judge the face of Chavez's appeal to the people he called it to the unit, and announced the start of a national dialogue between the church and officials, trade unions, political parties and principals own media, he stressed at the same time that there will not be any type of reprisal or chase the villains. Also it took place during the reign of Chavez five elections and referendums decisive presence of international observers from the European Union, and the Foundation Carter States called for early presidential elections, and won Bkther than 60 percent, but the right-wing parties did not recognize the outcome of the election, despite reports of international observers praised the fairness and, in 2003, according to Mains in the Constitution the right coalition collects mutatis votes in order to bring down Chavez through a referendum on the completion of its mandate presidential despite the uncertainties surrounding the validity of signatures before Chavez hold the referendum was on the fifteenth of August 2004, and won the Chavez with 56 percent, and again did not He received the majority of the right stream of loss, despite international certification integrity polling operations. It was announced that the big strike in the oil sector, and resulted in a loss exceeding ten.
One of the most anti-people policy of Israel and America, and died in 2013 to turn the honorable page in the history of humanity.

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