
Adolf Hitler

 Adolf Hitler

Nazi German politician, was born in Austria, and was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, known as the Nazi Party (founder of Nazism). Germany ruled in the period between 1933 and 1945 where he served as State Councillor (German: Reichskanzler) in the period between 1933 and 1945, and the Führer (German: Führer) in the period between 1934 and 1945. And chosen by Time magazine as one of the hundred figure left the biggest impact in human history in the twentieth century.

Hitler served in France and Belgium with the Bavarian reserve regiment sixteenth-whichever known as the regiment is not (in German: Regiment List) relative to the captain I.. The war ended Ptqldh Jeffretr (a rank equivalent to the rank of lance corporal in the British army and a soldier of the first class in the American armies). Hitler's work as a messenger between the armies; and is one of the most dangerous jobs on the Western Front, and was at most often injured by fire Alt.kma participated in a number of major battles on the Western Front, and included these battles: First Battle of Ypres and the Battle of the Somme and the Battle of Arras and the Battle Baskendaala.
There was a battle of Ypres in October 1914, which saw the deaths of about 40,000 troops within twenty days (which is between a third and half the number of the soldiers involved). The battalion, which Hitler was an individual of its members has diminished the number of two hundred and fifty soldiers to forty-two soldiers by December. CVS writer John Keegan wrote that this experience has made Hitler tends to isolation and withdrawal into himself during the remaining years of the war

Nazi Party forces attempted coup against the government in 1923, but the attempt failed and ended with the imprisonment of its leader Adolf Hitler at the time.
Beer Hall (coup in German: Hitlerputsch) and (in English: Beer Hall Putsch) was a failed coup attempt Hitler carried out with the Nazi party in order to seize power in Bavaria, Germany, began a coup attempt on the evening of November 8 until noon on November 9 1923, it was Adolf Hitler had decided to use Gen. Erich Ludendorff name as a front in the coup attempt, which ended in abject failure and imprisoned head of the Nazi party at the time of Adolf Hitler.
His several books, most notably the famous book by trading the story of his life, "Mein Kampf"
Established several alliances with Japan, Austria.
World War II: -
After the fall of Poland, there was a period of time called the journalists phoney war. In part located in the north-west of Poland was annexed to Germany, Hitler entrusted the two who hold the rank of (Gauleiters) (leaders of regional Nazis responsible for that region), namely Albert Forster and Artur Greiser mission "to extend the power of language and human beings and German civilization" to this region, and they promised them that they "will not be accountable to any person or entity" for the way they carried out "the imposition of German ascendancy process." It has both Forster and Greiser to interpret these commands from the personal perspective. Forster has followed a simple policy is to make the local Poles are to sign a printed models shows that they are of German descent without the need to provide documentation to prove it. At the same time, Greiser the campaign of ethnic cleansing and brutal; he has expelled all the local Polish population to the area under German military occupation in Poland. Then, Greiser complained to Hitler - and was followed by Himmler in his complaint - that Forster accepted thousands of Poles, Germans as citizens "of German origin"; which means polluting the "ethnic purity" of the German. They asked the two of Hitler to order Forster to stop what they are doing. What was Hitler, but that the response to them that they could play to settle their differences with Forrester and not Aqahmah in the subject. The way you treat Hitler with the problem that erupted between Forster and Greiser model proves Nzerahayan Kershaw contained in the book "Working Towards the Führer"; namely, that Hitler was issued vague orders and allowing his aides to work according to their own policies alone.
After the invasion of Poland, another big argument broke out between two different powers; the first focused on two of the elite units of the Nazi officers who were carrying the rank of SS Reichsfüherer namely Heinrich Himmler and Arthur Greiser; and they were Anasran and are implementing plans of ethnic cleansing in Poland. While the second focused on the Herman Goering and Hans Frank calling for turning Poland into "granary" of the Reich were settling this dispute in a conference held in the twelfth of February in 1940 in menial Karanhol owned by Goering. The dispute was settled in favor of the point of view of existing Goering and Frank on the economic exploitation of Poland, Ooda an end to the mass deportations carried out to the population of Poles since they hamper Germany's economic growth. Moreover, in the fifteenth of May 1940 the Himmler presented a memorandum to Hitler titled "ideas to deal with strangers population in the Middle" (in English: Some Thoughts on the Treatment of Alien Population in the East); This was a note demanding the expulsion of all The Jewish population of Europe into Africa, and convert the rest of the Polish population to the "working class without a captain." Hitler had commented on the note as a "good and correct." The comments on Hitler's memorandum to accelerate the implementation of steps so-called Karanhol agreement also led to the victory of the view espoused by Heinrich Himmler and Greiser in dealing with Poland.
His death: -
 Thirtieth of April of 1945, after violent clashes moved from street to street in the city of Berlin, and while the Soviet troops after the intersection or two from the headquarters of the Reich Chancellery, Hitler had committed suicide by shooting inside his mouth he put in his mouth cyanide capsule. It has been developed body of Hitler and the body of Eva Braun - his mistress, whom he married the day before his suicide - in a hole made by Guenblh.oukam Otto Jonc and some assistants who are in the cellar of the commander of officers poured a lot of gasoline on the bodies and set fire to two while the Red Army continues to offer rainy city ​​bomb.

Good Luck

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