
Genghis Khan

 Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan (1165 - 1227 AD). He is the founder and emperor of the Mongol Empire, which was considered the largest empire in history as one bloc after his death, expanded after the millions of inhabitants of the country occupied by the killing, it has committed large massacres against Muslims. And it emerged after the unification of several nomadic tribes of northeast Asia. After the establishment of the Mughal Empire and renamed the "Genghis Khan" began military attacked the Bhmlath Aqrakhitan boxes, the Caucasus and the state algorithm Western Xia and Jin empire. At the end of his life he was his empire had occupied a large part of Central Asia and China.
The Svaka the blood of man, and it was also very valiant military commander, was his ability to bring people around him, and began a gradual expansion of the surrounding areas, and soon expanded his kingdom until it reached the borders of Korea eastward to the borders of the Islamic algorithm state to the west, and from the plains of Siberia to the north to the south China Sea, that is, it includes countries in the world now: (China, Mongolia, Vietnam, Korea, Thailand and parts of Siberia, as well as the Kingdom of Laos, Myanmar, Nepal and Bhutan) !!
Before he died of Genghis Khan commanded to be his successor is Oktay Khan and his empire to the Department of boxes between his children and grandchildren. 1227 years after it defeated Altanjut died were buried in an unknown grave of did not know exactly where his place in Mongolia. And his grandchildren began to expand their empire through parts of Eurasia during the occupation and / or the establishment of kingdoms belonged to them within the current China and Korea, the Caucasus and Central Asian kingdoms, huge parts of Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Besides the huge military achievements, Vcengiz Khan made the Mongol empire to evolve in other ways. Where he issued a decree of adoption Uygur alphabet as a system of writing in the Mongol Empire. He has also encouraged religious tolerance within the empire, and established a unified empire of the tribes of northeast Asia nomads. And not his current Mongols deeply respect and consider him the founding father of the State of Mongolia.

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