
Isaac Newton

 Isaac Newton

 Isaac Newton December 25, 1642 - March 20, 1727 the world of English is one of the most prominent scholars contribution to physics and mathematics through the ages and a scientific revolution icons. Newton held the post of president of the Royal Society, and was a member of the English Parliament, in addition to assuming the presidency of the Royal Mint, and his fellowship to Trinity College in Cambridge, the second Ocazi professor of mathematics at Cambridge University. The foundations of his book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, published for the first time in 1687, for most of the principles of classical mechanics. Newton also made significant contributions in the field of optics, and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz participated in laying the foundations of calculus.
Newton formulated the laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation, which seized the scientists see the physical universe for the next three centuries. Also it proved that the movement of objects on the ground and objects Alsmoahimkn described according to the same principles of motion and gravity. Through the derivation of Kepler's laws of planetary motion and described the sports of gravity, Newton removed the last doubts about the validity of heliocentrism as a model of the universe.
Newton made the first practical reflecting telescope and developed a theory about colors based on his observations reached by using dispersive prism of white light colors to analyze the visible spectrum, as formulated practical for cooling the law and studied the speed of sound. In addition to the founding of the calculus, Newton also contributed to the study of power series and the binomial theorem, and the development of Newton's method to approximate the roots of functions.
Newton was a devout Christian, but in a non-traditional, it has refused to take Holy Anglican teachings, perhaps because he refused to believe the doctrine of the Trinity. Newton also spent a lot of time in the study of alchemy and the history of the Old Testament, but most of its work in these areas has remained unpublished until long after his death.

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