
Bruce Lee

 Bruce Lee

His full name: Hui Jen Bruce Lee Yuen Kam ..

August of a Chinese mother and a German father, while her mother roots tray ..
 Brosli was born in California on November 27, 1940 ..

Born Brosli patients came into the world, bringing with him a disability ..
It was possible to destroy his life and what he enjoyed the strong will to make the same entity ..
Where he devoted his life to transform his body small to a large powerful weapon ..
Considering himself a loyal not only to the Chinese but to all the young people and adolescents fans ..
Who were flocking to the cinemas to enjoy his movies that characterize the specific guidance strikes carefully ..
 And hops Alahalta seize the hearts of spectators ..

He married Linda Lee Caldwell Swedish of 1964 ..

The girl begotten of them are born and "Shannon" and the daughter of actor "Brandon" ..
Brosli He began acting at a young age The first film in which he was five years old ..
Bruce Lee appeared in a television novel American Ami 1966 1967 m, titled «Kato» ..
 Through this fame Limited Brosli able to attract him a lot of students ..
Such as Steve McQueen, James Coburn, and the player great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to a martial art called "Jet Kune Do" ..
 Fist interceptor any way ..
Brosli became famous in his own way in acting ..
It is in all his films speak a few sharp looks frown always Aydg never ..
To be the way private school pupils months is "Jet Li" ..
The best Asian representative at the moment, a Jackie Chan has joined with Brosli in some of his films ..

 But frequently it is appearing roles of extras ..

 Brosli movies based on the show in the fighting skills to the point that more stories of his films can be summed up in the words ..

 But the martial skills are very beautiful it is difficult for any representative to do at the moment ..
And that with the development of methods of editing and output and multiple shooting angles ..
 Vlqtat fighting movies are all Albersla be fixed camera and one angle only ..
For this reason it was Brosli footage fighting hits a real hit ..
Brosli presented when teaching kung fu games, the defense decided to self jealousy Chinese ..
The publication of the Chinese heritage of the attack from the press tray ..
 Some are even called for his death and became receives threats after threats ..
 Either by telephone or letters or write on the walls of his home ..
But he did not care about that and opened the first school teaching self-defense games out of China in the United States ..
Months of his movies, "Ging Wu Men" and "Game of Death" and participated in this film wonderful player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ..
The last film he is the "Dragon enter" ..

Brosli died in Hong Kong May 10, 1973 before the opening of his film Enter the Dragon a few days ..

The story of the death of this star-covered obscurely to this day ..
Everyone is different and lists the fact that his departure either in the books or programs and documentaries about his life ..
His departure from the word conspiracy ..omn beneficiary not free ?!
But the main reason that the whole doctors it is the death of his illness, "Brain swelling" ..
That the autopsy proved to be caused by a strange response reaction to prescription to relieve pain ..
The last moments of his life was at a party hosted by one of his friends ..

After the concert on his way to his apartment felt a sharp pain in his head ..
 I decided to go to the home of his closest friends, and after entering the request painkiller ..
 Having dealt put his hands on his chest and closed his eyes forever ..
He left in his youth in the second and thirty years of age ..

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