
Madeleine Albright

 Madeleine Albright

She was born Madeleine Korbel Albright, May 15, 1937 and is considered an old US policy.
Her parents called when born, Mary Anna Corpulova.ouhan Tomrki his uniform to the Madeleine Korbel Albright.
• Her father spent most of his life as ambassador to Chicoslavia in several capitals. But he escaped with his family during World War II, to put himself and his family in their new home service to the United States.
• Madeleine Albright, a graduate with honors in political science. And is fluent in English, Czech French, and understands well Russian languages, Polish and Serbian.
• journalist Joseph Medill Patrson.ala married her that after he has ever known to important personalities, Calcnator Edmund Maskey.olkn Nhmha to money and influence, and Hbgaha climb to power who has no boundaries. Which led him to flee in order to escape his life to the press pretty blonde and non-Jewish, with which it has three daughters. This divorce cause a deep wound to Madeleine, and a turning point in her life to the Dictionary teeming vocabulary and sentences and various meanings.
• Taking Senator Edmund catches her hand and nurtured. And Ozvha in Brzezinski's office. But it turned against him when he fell out with Brzezinski, and I met him were evil and denial Aljamil.ccant his arch-enemy.
• appointed Ambassador of the United States of America in the United Nations Altdh.ookhtarha President Bill Clinton as secretary of state. She was the first woman to hold such a high position in the history of the United States.
• Despite its Jewishness and Jewish and her parents before their conversion to the Christian religion Alcatoleik.ala that when she confronted Boutros-Ghali, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Behudatha, strongly denied this. And lied to the news of Jewishness, which was published in the Washington Post. And he considered it a conspiracy by Arab, smashing his goal, and abuse Alleha.rgem that her father abandoned the religion of Christianity. He returned again to the Jewish religion in his life.
• described by one of her colleagues: as opportunistic, a chameleon and have the ability to variegated environment in which there are colored.
• rejected the Egyptian Foreign Ministry to host them in the most luxurious hotels in Alexandria because it carries the name of Palestine.
• contributed to a significant role in the imposition of the embargo on Iraq. Which caused the death of millions of Iraqi children. Justified did it to press criminal Mhaortha. Saying: I think that the killing of children the option of a very difficult choice, but we believe that the desired result is well worth the price and make it satisfactory. When Nnbhtha press. Saying to her: Observe that this figure is bigger than those killed in Hiroshima. Albright said: he deserves.
• But after several years on the occupation of Iraq, and reached the age of 72 years, expressed regret and remorse for the black did it and its aggressive behavior of Arac.otrajat its position terrorist Alagrama.oraan says: It was the worst mistakes in American Hiati.vaharb in Iraq abused reputation The United States and its name, and abused for democracy. Democracy can not be imposed, and it is not consistent with the votes, which says that the Middle East will not become a democracy, each state culture and traditions, and that democracy vary from state to Okhry.okhevc what beats in the same Aklha.han said: I was happy the departure of Saddam Hussein, because it is a terrible person, but the invasion of Iraq was a disaster for American diplomacy, the reputation of the United States destroyed, and increased the power of Iran, which Obama is trying to fix it now.
• After all this behavior terrorist Lady Olbrat.vonha surprised today that they support democracy everywhere, and they are working in an institution for its support since 25 Aam.oonha support this Almassh.otcol: Democracy is an ongoing process and you need to Guet.oha does not mean elections only, but you need to the existence of institutions, and a strong opposition, civil society, and uphold the rule of law. And democracy and freedom is one thing from my point of view.
• When asked about the reason for the name was the link pins which are worn in all her meetings with the leaders and bosses. She replied: I love jewelry, and Pair it up constantly. It did not occur to me to use for the delivery of a specific message, even as US ambassador to the UN Altdh.okint became the only woman there, and after the first Gulf War. He wanted me to say bad things about Saddam was Asthakha.voceftna Iraqi newspapers that I have a snake unmatched. The funds in the pin on the shape of a snake. So I decided to wear it in all my meetings with the Iraqis, or their newborn, and noted that the press. And meet them know that when the pin is by balloons or butterflies and flowers is a sign of optimism and good mood. When the talks are going slowly out of my jewelry crabs and turtles tray to express my frustration. After the discovery of the Russians spying on the US State Department expressed its protest by wearing a pin in the form of a large beetle to denote the act of Altjss.uand my discussion to the issue of Chechnya with the Russians, then I wear a pin representing the three monkeys. But when I put the pin scorpion, wasp or be temperamental Sai.o I wore in one of my meetings and Palestinian President Yasser Arafat pin in the form of a bee, Vohdani Arafat pin on Frahh.olm form tell us about the mood while Dbosha be in the form of a mule or a bum.
• Albright talked about the frills and Althiab.faqalt: Talking about fashion or comment on fashion is not something totally away from the world of diplomacy. Do you think that heads of state do not talk to them is serious talks !!!! Indeed they often begin by talking about the weather or words: I like your neck tie. Perhaps as saying this is the reason for wearing short skirts through political and diplomatic work !!!.
• Albright believes that the US relationship with Iran complex since the days of the Shah. She said that sanctions on Iran do not achieve little results, it is best that Washington provide positive signals to Tehran. And it supports Obama's approach, which calls for it to talk with Alt.oukalt: Relations with Iran must be done in two ways: the first positive diplomat. The second way a threat of sanctions, and are resorting to in case of failure to cooperate with the international community over its falsity Alnowi.otvdh Alomirkah.vtcol policy: that Washington appears when the proximity of an Iranian figures diminish his popularity within his country, and this is what happened to Khatami. She continued, saying: If I had the chance to meet the current Iranian President Ahmadinejad Vsortda green suit with a pin from the wife of US Secretary of Defense William Cullen design, a dove and an eagle together. As the United States relationship with Iran and its two parts: the peace if cooperated Tehran, cruelty if Rvdt.oma suit green are a message of support for the opponents of the Iranian elections, the last, to be the political message Kamilh.olm discern that Ahmadinejad then focus look at the interpreter and not on Albright.
• Mrs. Madeleine Albright summarizing its position Aaran.vtcol: it opposes the use of force against Iran on the nuclear crisis, the US administration to establish a direct dialogue with Iran to resolve the problem.
• Although Albright, one who contributed to the emergence of the role of the neo-conservatives. But they responded to Bush to involve religion in American politics, when he claimed that divine providence is Achtarth.okzpth.han said that President Bush was wrong when he used such words to launch a crusade against terrorists, which gave the impression that a war against Islam. And he refuted his statements .bcolha: It is not important to promote the idea that God is standing next to you as determined by, but most important is that you be with their decisions in part as recommended by God.
• Albright acknowledges Ptamrha on Boutros-Ghali, Secretary General of the UN Altdh.otcol: you who led the campaign to prevent the renewal of Boutros-Ghali. Because it is an educated man and understand the origins of politics .ostbdalh less charismatic note, experience and less stubborn him, so that the United States be able to control the international organization.
• Mrs. Madeleine Albright and love for money to pay for the establishment of an international advisory group dubbed Albright Albright Group where some of the .oozvt worked with politicians and former ministers of German, French and Czech. Customers and her group Coca-Cola Company and Merck & DP World, Inc. Paul Bremer, Marsh and McLennan. To benefit from the connections and international relations Albright. The group has a branch company named Albright Capital Management. Established by 2005. In order to provide advice on how to manage your money in the markets Aljdidh.oualemassh take it upon themselves to collect the debt and compensation for some At.lqa access to wage and studies and the collection of fees, with a high percentage of these funds. The German company to manufacture cars and BMW signed a contract with them, to provide advice about dealing with the new laws to protect the climate. By reducing the emission of harmful substances proportions. Note that the German Minister Joschka Fischer, a former environment works senior strategic adviser within the Albright Group.
• exploit Madeleine Albright friendship with some former politicians and ministers. One of them is publishing with an investigation or a joint article Andhira the grief and destruction, and great things Alomor.oo refer the file of the investigation, or to The Hague tribunal.

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