
Muhammad AlMaghut

 Muhammad AlMaghut

Born in 1934 in the province of Hama, the Syrian peaceful city

- Mohammed Maghout is considered one of the most important pioneers of the prose poem in the Arab world.
- His wife, the poet of the late Sunni Saleh, and they have two daughters (Cham) and working as a doctor, and (new wine), a graduate of the College of Fine Arts in Damascus.
- The great writer Mohamed Maghout one of the adults who have helped in the identification of the nature and direction of the newspaper «October» Syrian in its inception and its issue and its development, while rotating with the writer storyteller Zakaria Tamer to write daily angle, equivalent to their positions full newspaper in 1975 and beyond, as well as the case when scroll writes «Alice in Wonderland» in the magazine «future» weekly, and the testimony of the late Nabil Khoury (editor) passport, communication should all sincere statements and seals to the Arab reader, especially Syria, to have had a significant role in the spread of «future» a prominent and common towards Syria.
His works include:
1. sadness in the light of the moon - poetry (Dar magazine hair - Beirut, 1959)
2. Chamber of millions of walls - hair (Dar magazine hair - Beirut, 1960)
3. sparrow humpback - a play in 1960 (not represented on the stage)
4. Clown - play (represented on the stage in 1960, printed in 1998 by Dar term - Damascus)
5. Joy is not my profession - hair (publications of the Arab Writers Union - Damascus 1970)
6. menial October - play (not printed - represented on the stage from 1973 to 1974)
7. anemones - a play
8. swing - a novel in 1974 (published in 1974-1991 for Riad Dar Al Rayes for publication)
9. Weird - play (not printed - represented on the stage in 1976)
10. Cheers Nation - play (not printed - represented on the stage in 1979)
11. out of tune - play (Dar-term - Damascus in 1999, represented on the stage to bring the artist Jihad Saad)

On the afternoon of the third Monday of April 2006 brought down the curtain of fate, it leaves Maghout at the age of 72, after a long struggle with cancer, leaving the sad tears Maqa home, which I love too.

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