
Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander is considered the inventor of the first phone that around the world for a small house ..
Alexander Graham Bell was born in Anberh in Scotland on March 3, 1847 to learn in Onberh and London universities, and in 1870 he emigrated to Canada and studied there he worked at the beginning of his life with his father and grandfather in the education and help the dumb to speak, and I love this work and led him to spend the night and day in this work, and in 1871 emigrated to the United States and began teaching deaf and dumb and began to develop a system that was developed by his father, and in 1872 founded the Alexander Bell School of dumb and deaf in Boston and then Boston University became appointed professor of vocal physiology and became a US citizen in 1882
The most important achievements: -
At the age of eighteen he invented the idea of ​​sending the letter.
 In 1864 the work of the cable and dish in which the basic principles in the phone industry.
 1877 has created a phone company.
 In 1907 he devised a kite capable of carrying people.
 He had a major role in the development of naval aircraft, which reached speeds 113 kilometers per hour where the boat was the fastest in the world.
 In 1895 after the great success he invented Phone Bill interested in aeronautics and made numerous inventions in his summer home in Canada.
Upgrade your speed hydrofoil boat, which travels above the water at high speed.

How invented the telephone?
In 1874 the Bill initial work on the musical telegraph, which led to achieve great success in which he worked in a new laboratory in Boston and was also complements the rest of the work at home in Canada and conducted experiments on Alfonotograf which is a device that looks like a pen can draw shapes of sound waves glass smoker by tracking Ahtzazadtha, in 1874 telegraph messages movement developed rapidly and has become the nervous system of trade and then signed with each of the inventor Thomas Edison and Elisha Gray to find a way to send multiple messages by telegraph through telegraph lines and suggested they way to send voice tones multiple cross telegraph wire and have begun to provide financial support to the experiences of Bill matters that relate to the innocence of the invention, in March 1875 by the Bill and Pollock visited the world famous physicist Joseph Henry and asked him some tips on multi bronchitis electric device that was Bill seeks to in that it can transmit human voice through the telegraph, Henry's response was that Bill has "the seed of a great invention." When Bill told him not to possess sufficient knowledge to enable him to continue his experiments, Henry responded by saying: "Get out!". Vthms Bill, although it did not have the necessary equipment to continue his experiments, and there is no model for his ideas. And corresponded with "Thomas Watson," an electrician and a mechanic experienced in Charles Williams' shop for electric machines designed, through the financial support he received from Sanders and Hubbard, Bell has appointed Thomas Watson as his assistant, and the two began to conduct experiments on the possibility of sending messages across acoustic telegraph and was able Watson by mistake to pick one of the bronchi and grabbed Bill by the end of party corps future and was able to hear the harmonics of the reed, which is likely to be necessary for the transfer of speech, concluded Bill so that the rod and one or only one column necessary and not many towns, led so to believe that the phone works with sound in the form of perpendicular can transfer an existing voice-like resonance, but not words, and clear, and here with the help of the Bill Watson has invented a phone that said human and said the world

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