
Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin

Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin

Celebrity comedy best in the world and considered.
 (Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin), lived between April 16, 1889 - December 25, 1977, and better known as Charlie Chaplin, British actor born and although he lived a long time in the United States but he did not get US citizenship and in some words that refusal .. When he left the United States in 1952 declined to US authorities to grant visa to because of the doubts that have been hovering around him as a communist. It is Charlie Chaplin's most famous actors since the beginning of the first Hollywood movie, and it was a mighty way out as well. His main Tramp (The Tramp) was a personal displaced Btabaa and dignity of a gentleman, wearing a coat and has a narrow mustache -oho mark Almmazh- which looks like a toothbrush. Chaplin was one of the most creative personalities in the era of silent films, was like, directed and wrote and produced, and ultimately, the work of his films special.

Celebrity life behind the scenes, when up and sees fans rejoicing strongly elated and your eyes are overwhelmed with tears to hear the death of someone dear to your heart .. how hard it is to face the audience and smiling, biography provided by our director Richard Attenborough winner Booscaran for his masterpiece "Gandhi" Ten before years of this film in 1982, which was a biography of the leader Gandhi and see here his return to provide biographies, this time to a personal cinematic immortal .. gave us this film actor, writer and producer Charlie Chaplin's life that his body for us the smallest details of the creator, "Robert Downey Jr.," which is this role the beginning of entering the truth to the world of cinema dramas.
The film is going through the stages of the artist's life Chaplin, starting from childhood and harsh life with poverty tells us Chaplin this suffering with his mother, which struck by madness and was admitted to the clinic, and his struggle with big brother Syed and his move to the shelter, then got the opportunity to present the role of the drunkard in one of the theaters was this experience ticket to travel to America, the home of Hollywood, also our picture first love in the life of Chaplin before traveling with Hetty Kelly, who was his colleague theater.

 The flight was to America and photos with the Statue of Liberty - ticket Legend 1900 - for a moment .. when Chaplin came to America, he went directly to a cinema small this was in 1913, where he was Chaplin at the age of almost 24 years, the cinema was in the area of ​​bot Montana after arriving and watch it for the first time for a device Alcinmogravea cinema running the films were displaced long, sat with the audience remained restores Mhahdt movies more than once.

 Chaplin gets the first analog display excellent $ 150 per week to meet the product and director Snet began his first movie with this director under Mabel's Strange Predicament address with actress Norman in 1914.

 The most prominent film a star's brightness Chaplin America and the production of more than 20 film one year were all about short and silent, and some of them even mention now in England and America also see continuously, Chaplin began to produce films and reformatted and written by himself, then founded his own company with his partner Douglas Fairbanks.

 The lives of Chaplin closely and relationships of women in film periods gave us his four wives of the first Mildred Harris, which was aged 17 years continued their marriage three years and ended in divorce, then married Blata Aqraa 1924 to 1927 and also ended in divorce, and the third was Pauleta year 1936 until 1942 also ended in divorce until he reached the perfect wife and that she stays with him until his death and is Oona Chaplin since 1943 until 1977 and gave birth to eight children.

The plot deported Chaplin for America, where he spent twenty years in Switzerland .. The plot began at the hands of a person named J. Edgar Hoover, who was not hatred and intense hatred of Chaplin where he was Head of Investigations at the time asked Chaplin to work for the US government, but Chaplin rejected this, after the destruction of Chaplin journey through the infiltration it began to his own life and its problems until the release of his film, which caused a sensation The great Dictator, who was imitating a Hitler - Chaplin fact that a Jew - was not intense hatred of Nazism and especially Hitler, but the film has been explained in a different way and that it was against America, then came another charge of establishing an illicit relationship with a girl and that he fathered her illegitimate daughter, but blood analysis opposite proved sparking lawyer defender John Berry - James Wood - and who used subtle methods even got a monthly money to take care of the child .. all this and Chaplin still holding until a recent decision to prevent Chaplin from residence in America after attaching communist charged with an offense where he was exiled to Switzerland and lived there and was buried there in 1977.

In 1972, Charlie Chaplin received an honorary Ooscara for his World Cinema .. Finally The film is a Antiques nineties without doubt .. through continuous follow me to the cinema proved to me that the nineties is best held on world cinema and it is impossible to be repeated.

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